Hotel Rooms

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Hi y'all! Here's a bit of an angsty scenario for you! Be warned, I don't write much angst so this is a little new to me! I hope you all enjoy it regardless, and please remember that requests are OPEN!! Please don't be afraid to comment or request something, I don't bite! I really appreciate those who have been commenting and voting so far, it's a really good feeling <3

Anywho, this is an angsty Aizawa x Vampire! Reader fic. Tiny amounts of smut (more like lime flavoured). I hope you all enjoy!

Based off a Janitor AI chat I had. 


The mission you and Aizawa have taken has left you both utterly exhausted by the time you reach the small hotel on the outskirts of town. A little run-down but clean, the hotel seems modest, its neon sign flickering in the dark casting a soft glow on the empty parking lot.

Aizawa parks the car and glances at you. "Looks like this is our place for the night."

Suppressing a yawn, you nod. "I've slept in worse."

Inside the hotel, the receptionist hands over the key with a sympathetic smile, explaining that there is only a singular room left. "Sorry, folks. It's got a single bed, but it's the best we can offer."

With a neutral expression, Aizawa takes the key. "It'll do, thanks."

You both trudge down the dimly lit hallway, the only sounds being the creak of the floorboards and the soft hum of vending machines. When you reach the room, the other hero unlocks the door and pushes it open, revealing a small but tidy space.

The room is simple: a queen-sized bed with crisp white sheets, a small desk in the corner, TV mounted on the wall, and a rather small refrigerator near the doorway. A single window looks out over the parking lot, the curtains drawn tightly shut.

"Well," you say, settling your bag down on the desk chair, "home sweet home."

Aizawa drops his bag near the bed and begins to take off his hero gear, leaving him in a simple black tank top and tight shorts. He stretches, his muscles rippling beneath the fabric. You can't help but notice the weariness etched into his features.

"You take the bed," he says softly, glancing at the wooden floorboards. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't be ridiculous, Shota," you reply, shaking your head. "We can share. It's big enough for the both of us."

He doesn't argue but raises an eyebrow, knowing better than to get into a pointless debate with you. Instead, he sits on the edge of the bed, kicking off his shoes and leaning back against the headboard. You turn on the TV, flipping through channels until you find something mildly interesting, just to fill the silence.

As you both settle in, the tension of the late-night mission begins to melt away. You lean back in the desk chair, watching the TV absentmindedly. The room is quiet, the only sounds being the low murmur of the television and occasional creak of the room settling.

"This old place has a charm, doesn't it?" you say with a hint of sarcasm.

Aizawa snorts. "Yeah, if you're into old horror movies. But it's clean, at least."

"I've definitely seen worse," you say with a chuckle, nodding your head in agreement.

Aizawa rolls his eyes but doesn't respond, a tiny smile playing on his lips. You fall into a comfortable silence, the white noise of the TV lulling you into relaxation.

A few hours pass by in companionable silence, the soft glow of the TV providing the only light in the room. Aizawa yawns, stretching as he stands up from the bed.

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