The Pale Rose

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Requested by slut4m0n3yyy! "Could you do this with a fem version and like a different story line? :]"

Based off my chapter, Blossom. 

Aizawa x Fem! Reader! With hanahaki disease. 


The harsh glare of fluorescent lights illuminates the deserted streets of the city, casting long shadows that stretch like fingers reaching out into the darkness. In the heart of the urban sprawl, a lone figure moves with purpose through the silent streets, her footsteps echoing against the cold pavement.

You, known only by your alias, The Pale Rose, are a notorious villain whose name struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest of citizens. You are driven by desperation and hunger, and thus find yourself drawn to the dimly lit glow of a convenience store nestled on the corner of the street.

You glance around to ensure that no one is around, and then slip inside the store, your movements swift and silent as you make your way to the food aisles. Your eyes dart from one item to the next, lingering on the tantalising array of snacks and provisions that lay before you.

With a steady hand, you reach out and select a few items from the shelves, stuffing them into the pockets of your worn jacket with practised ease. Guilt and shame gnaws on your conscience, but the rumbling hunger in your belly outweighs any moral qualms you may have.

With a final glance around the store, you make a dash for the exit, your footsteps echoing against the cold linoleum floor. The sound of your hurried escape seems to reverberate through the empty store, a constant reminder of the risks you were taking.

Just as you reach the door, a voice rings out from behind the counter, freezing you in place with a sense of dread. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Your heart skips a beat as you turn to face the source of the voice, your eyes widening in alarm as you meet the gaze of the store clerk who stands behind the counter, his expression a mix of anger and suspicion.

You stand frozen in place for a moment, your thoughts racing, screaming at you to run and escape. Your options are dwindling, fast.

So, with a sudden burst of speed, you dash out of the store, your heart pounding in your chest as adrenaline surges through your veins. Behind you, you can hear the store clerk shouting after you, his voice full of frustration. Ignoring his cries, you push yourself to run faster, feet pounding against the pavement as you race down the empty street.

As you round the corner into a dimly lit alleyway, your breaths coming in ragged gasps, you skid to a stop. Your eyes widen in shock once more when you look up to see another figure standing there, his figure looming ominously in the shadows. You recognise that scarf and goggles from anywhere – Aizawa.

Neither of you speak, the silence between you heavy with unspoken tension. Your eyes lock onto his and you are filled with a sense of dread. You know that he's the worst person you could go against, you are caught between a rock and a hard place.

You consider trying to reason with him, to explain the circumstances that had led you to this desperate act. But as his gaze bores down on you, you know that words would be futile.

You watch as Aizawa takes a step forward, his expression impassive but his determination evident in the set of his jaw. He speaks, his voice low and steady, urging you to reconsider your actions. But you feel a surge of defiance rise within you, and so you shake your head stubbornly, your resolve hardening.

But as Aizawa lunges forward, his movements swift and decisive, you know that your time is running out. With a cry of desperation, you turn and flee. Behind you, you can hear Aizawa's steady footsteps following close behind, his presence looming ever closer with each passing second.

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