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Modified hanahaki disease where the disease still takes effect until Person A confesses their love for person B. Requested by @Sofia_White_2962 on Ao3!
"Secretive Simp! Aizawa x Oblivious Hanahaki! Male Reader
Reader thinks Aizawa is simping for someone else as Aizawa's very cryptic and secretive of his crush (but it might just be him who is oblivious since most of everyone else seems to realize who Aizawa's crush is)"

Requests are open, and remember to support me on ko-fi! I take drawing requests too!


The sterile scent of antiseptic fills the air of Recovery Girl's infirmary as you meticulously organise medical supplies on the shelves. It's a routine task, one you have grown accustomed to during your time as Recovery Girl's assistant.

Ever since you joined U.A. as a young hero, you have constantly admired Aizawa from afar. His stoic demeanour and unwavering dedication to his students has captured your heart, igniting a flame of admiration that burns brighter with each passing day. Yet, despite your growing affection, you remain silent, fearful of disrupting your professional relationship and risking rejection; he likes someone else anyways, so why bother?

Your thoughts swirl like a tempest in your mind, each wave crashing against the shores of your heart with relentless force. Lost in your reverie, you don't notice the tickle in your throat until it erupts into a coughing fit, your body convulsing with each harsh exhale.

Recovery Girl looks up from her work, startled by the sudden outburst, with concern etching into the lines of her aging face. "Are you okay, dear?" she asks, her voice full of worry.

You force a weak smile, your hand pressing against your chest in a feeble attempt to quell the raging storm within you. "Just a dry throat," you manage to choke out between coughs, your words strained and raspy.

Recovery Girl narrows her eyes, her expression skeptical. She has seen enough heroes try to brush off their injuries to know when something isn't right. "If you say so," she replies, though her tone suggests that she wasn't convinced.

As she scrutinises you with a hint of suspicion, the infirmary door creaks open, and in stumbles none other than Izuku Midoriya, looking worse for wear. His clothes are torn, and bruises marr his face and arms, evidence of yet another rigorous training session.

Your annoyance flares at the sight of Izuku's injuries, a pang of frustration stabbing at your heart. He was just here yesterday! It seems like every time you turn around, Izuku is in the nurse's office, nursing yet another injury sustained from his pursuit of heroism.

You suppress a sigh and push aside your own concerns and muster a professional demeanour as you approach Izuku. "What happened this time, Midoriya?" you ask, your tone full of exasperation.

The young hero winces as he gingerly lowers himself onto one of the infirmary beds, his gaze as apologetic as ever. "Just a minor mishap turning training," he replies sheepishly. "I'll be fine, really."

You shake your head, your irritation melting away at Izuku's earnestness. Despite your annoyance at his frequent visits, you couldn't help but admire Izuku's unwavering determination to become a hero.

With practised efficiency, you begin tending to his wounds, your hands moving deftly as you clean and bandage his injuries, your hands emitting a gentle, soft glow as you heal him. Your quirk is simple, like Recovery Girl's even – you extract energy to heal, whether that energy is yours or the patient's.

As you tend to Izuku, your mind wanders back to Aizawa, your colleague. Thoughts of him often lingers in the back of your mind, a constant presence that you couldn't shake no matter how hard you tried. You can't help but wonder; what would he say if he knew about your feelings for him? Did he even like guys? You're attractive, well-liked by the staff and students alike, but was there something there, waiting to blossom?

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