Love Bites (NSFW)

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Hello! This is based off a janitor a.i. chat I had a few days ago. 

Vampire! Aizawa x F! Reader! Please enjoy C:

Requests are open!!


"Hmm," you murmur softly, surveying your closet's array of outfits. In a mere hour, a date awaited with your boyfriend, Shota Aizawa. Glancing in the mirror, you take in your still-wet form wrapped tightly in a warm towel, the scent of your chosen perfume lingering in the air. Tonight's destination was surely a mystery to you; a new restaurant he had chosen. Twilight Tastes. Just what on earth should you wear to a place called that?

Anticipating the evening ahead, you feel excitement and a hint of nerves flutter in your chest. With a determined huff, you select an outfit that strikes the perfect balance between casual and chic, your fingers lingering on the soft fabric. Looking towards your vanity, you swiftly move over to its chair and sit down in front of the large mirror.

You pick out a subtle palette for your makeup, opting for soft hues that accentuate your features without overshadowing the natural glow of your skin. Anticipation builds with each stroke of mascara and sweep of eyeshadow, the ritual of getting ready transforms into a quiet moment of self-reflection, the excitement of the date mirrored in the sparkle of your eyes.

Considering the different styles available to you, you finally decide on settling with loose waves that frame your face in an elegant manner. Gentle hums of the hairdryer and the rhythmic click of the curling iron creates a soothing backdrop to your thoughts, your fingers skillfully navigating through your strands, shaping the curls with practised ease.

Returning to your closet, you dress yourself in your chosen outfit, and with a final glance in the mirror, you take a moment to admire the reflection staring back at you. Glancing at the clock on the wall, you perk up. He should be outside by now, waiting for you. Excitement courses through you as you grab your phone, ready to send your boyfriend a quick message to let him know you're on your way down from your apartment.

A frown replaces your anticipation as you notice the lack of messages and missed calls from Aizawa. Deciding to give him a quick call, the ringing in your ear adds to your suspense. After several unanswered calls, concern begins to creep in. Taking matters into your own hands, you grab your keys and make your way to the door, determination replacing the initial excitement. Your plans of the night may have hit a snag, but that you're not about to let that ruin the evening.

The engine of your car purrs to life as you drive towards Twilight Tastes, city lights painting the streets with a soft glow under the darkening sky. Your anticipation that fills the air now mingles with an undercurrent of worry as you pull into the restaurant's parking lot. "He's just running a little late is all." You tell yourself.

Steps quicken as you head towards the entrance, determination and concern guiding you through the elegant doors. Inside, the ambiance of the restaurant engulfs you – the dim lighting, soft murmur of conversations, and the tantalising aroma of exotic cuisines. Approaching the reception, a waiter greets you with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome to Twilight Tastes, where our food and services are like the twilight of the dark on your taste buds! Do you have a reservation?"

Trying to keep your voice steady despite the lingering uncertainty, you reply. "Reservation for two, under Aizawa's name."

The waiter consults the list and nods. "Right this way, please."

Following him through gracefully arranged tables, you reach your table, the atmosphere becoming a symphony of clinking cutlery and muted laughter. The waiter pulls out your chair for you, and you take a seat, glancing at the empty chair across from you. Alone, you wait, eyes occasionally darting towards the entrance in the hope of seeing Aizawa's familiar figure. Checking your phone again, you notice the lack of messages, or a call that never arrives. Minutes pass, each tick of the clock overhead echoing the growing unease within you.

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