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bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you still enjoy!

Reminder: requests are open! :3


Nerves shook your fingers which delicately gripped the small envelope, causing your teeth to grind and grit slightly. You stood outside the large door of class 1-A, a hesitant drop of sweat beading down your face. The sounds of muffled students within the classroom reached your ears, adding to your anticipation. Aizawa Shota, their homeroom teacher and your boyfriend of a few months, was undoubtedly in the midst of the chaos somewhere within. With a determined exhale and a gathering of your resolve, you knocked on the door, heartbeat echoing in the quiet hallway.

"Come in," you hear his voice ring out from amongst the students' chatter. Opening the heavy door and stepping into the classroom, your eyes sought out your boyfriend - a stoic figure amid the lively crowd. His gaze met yours for just a brief second and you couldn't help but notice a subtle quirk of his eyebrow, a silent acknowledgement of your presence. The noise of the students dies down for a moment as hushed whispers emanate from the students.

"Look, it's Mr. Aizawa's partner."

"Hey, isn't that (Y/N) (L/N)?"

You gulp slightly; all eyes were trained on you. You felt as though the invitation in your hands suddenly weighed a couple more pounds. The sudden attention sent a warm blush to your cheeks and you offered a small, uncertain smile in response. Being aware that you were the centre of discussion added an unexpected layer of nerves to the task at hand.

Approaching the desk that Aizawa sat behind, the subtle hush persisted, and you could feel the curious eyes of the students following your every move. It wasn't often that you visited your boyfriend's classroom, and he was all the more on the down-low about your relationship, so when you do make your blue-moon visits, the students stare and whisper each and every time. The hero himself maintained his usual composed demeanour, though there was a flicker of a smile that tugged his lips.

"Good afternoon, Shota," you greet, trying to project confidence despite your nerves. The students exchange glances and you sense their curiosity hanging in the air.

"Is there something you need, (Y/N)? You rarely come to see me during working hours." He asks, his expression giving away nothing at all. You took a steadying breath, feeling the weight of the moment.

"There is, actually," you begin, an anxious smile coming to your lips, "I was wondering if you'd like to spend a quiet Christmas evening with me. Just the two of us and a movie, maybe some popcorn or sugar cookies? I can bake." Outstretching your hand, you show him the small envelope, patiently awaiting for him to open it. Aizawa takes the slip of paper in hand and sets it on his desk. He held your gaze for a second longer than usual, and for a moment, the class seemed to hold their breath. Then, with a subtle nod, he replies,

"I appreciate the invitation, but I have some work to catch up on. Not every hero has the day off for Christmas. I'm sorry, kit."

The collective disappointment from the class was palpable, though Aizawa's attention shifted back to his work as if the matter was done and settled.

"At least you tried," you heard the pink girl say, Mina.

"How about some of us go over instead?" You hear the electric boy whisper to his group of friends.

You dejectedly shook your head and turned your back to your boyfriend and the classroom, making your way outside. You couldn't shake the lingering gazes and hushed discussions that followed. The quiet hallway was like a refuge as you leaned against the cool lockers, contemplating the rejection.

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