
579 9 4

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Type of fic - general - sfw -

Requested by a dear friend <3

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It was supposed to be a normal day. You were supposed to be on school grounds, assisting the many teachers of UA. Today, you were supposed to be assisting the famous Pro Hero, Eraserhead, otherwise known as Shota Aizawa.

You were supposed to be in his classroom right about now, probably handing out papers or helping the students with their studies. But as your quirk clashed with that of a villain, one whomst had a problem or grudge with UA, you realised one thing.

You were going to be late.

Your breaths came in ragged gasps as the villain's quirk wreaked havoc on your senses, the air around you crackling with an ominous energy and tension. Both of you were determined to gain the upper hand; the villain, shrouded in a sinister aura, unleashed their malicious intent, their quirk clashing against the protective barrier of your own. Quirks collide, creating a shockwave that reverberates through the immediate vicinity. Gritting your teeth, you felt the strain of trying to maintain control of the situation. Relentless attacks from the villain pushed harder against your defences, but your focus remained unwavering.

Sweat forms on your forehead as you concentrate on defeating this foe, but they are cunning. Exploiting weaknesses and finding gaps in your defence, their sudden surge of energy overwhelms you and you stagger backwards, giving the villain the opportunity.

You attempt a counterattack, summoning your quirk to repel the villain in a desperate move. The clash of quirks reached its peak, the fluctuations of energy creating a dazzling display of lights. In the midst of the chaos, however, the villain's quirk broke through, sending a shockwave that engulfed you. You found yourself thrown to the ground; the impact brutal, pain coursing through your body. Onlookers who witnessed the unexpected turn of events all gasp, and the villain, sensing victory, prepared for another, final strike.

Was this it? You were just a teaching assistant, supposed to be working with students and faculty staff alike. Why you? Why did the villain have to attack you? Wrong place, wrong time, it seems.

Dazed and hurting, you lay on the ground, the villain looming over you with a menacing grin. Their attack's shockwave still echoed in your ears and every movement sent sharp jolts of pain through your body. Cries of concern from bystanders seem distant as you struggle to push yourself up. You could feel their triumph-fueled laughter ringing in your ears as they swung their weapon down, eager to incapacitate you further. Vision was blurring, but the urgency of the situation snapped you back to the present.

Summoning the remnants of your quirk with sheer determination, you manage to deflect the villain's attack; repelling him and creating an opportunity to bring yourself to your feet. For a brief moment, it seems as though you might regain control of the fight, noticing the look of surprise on their face as they stumble backwards.

Uncertainty teetered on the tide of battle, but just for a moment. The villain is driven by a relentless desire to dominate and throws another flurry of blows in your direction. The struggle, reaching its peak, was a tough one to fight. Fluctuations of energy became a chaotic dance of opposing forces. In a matter of moments of desperately trying to parry his attacks, you found yourself being lifted off your feet from the force of the shockwave. Trying to right yourself, your world spins as you hurl through the air.

The impact with the ground was brutal and the world spun in disorienting spirals. The weight of the situation pressed down on you, a sense of helplessness threatening to overtake your resolve as you lay on the ground, vulnerable and battered. Each of your attempts to rise met with resistance from the pain that radiated off every inch of your body.

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