Learning Day

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Commission by Prince Snow! He commissioned me, spending a gracious $25 to have this written. (Prices for writing comms are typically $5)

This is his OC, Koto Aizawa, daughter of Shota Aizawa, asking about quirks and Shota encouraging her to learn more. 

If you want to commission me, drop by my Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/strawberry_hearts/commissions

Requesting is FREE, but if you want a different character, or an oc fic, or just want a quick read (meaning a quick publish), you can commission me to write for you


The sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the U.A. High campus. Shota Aizawa, better known as Eraserhead, sits in his office, grading his students' papers. The only sound is the occasional rustling of paper and the distant chatter of students on the school grounds. It's a rare moment of peace in his busy schedule.

A knock on his door interrupts the quiet, and he looks up to see his daughter, Koto, standing in the doorway with a big grin on her face. She has a backpack slung over her shoulder, bursting with notebooks and pens. Despite his stoic exterior, Shota couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Dad!" she exclaims, bounding into the room. Aizawa's smile widens even more; god, she has just the striking resemblance to Hizashi, and the sight of her made his heart swell with pride and adoration.

"You promised we'd go exploring today!"

Shota glances at the stack of papers on his desk. It is getting late, and he knows he should finish his grading, but he just couldn't resist Koto's excitement. He pushes aside the papers and stands up, extending a hand out to ruffle her hair, messing it all up. "Alright, alright, let's go exploring. What are we looking for today?"

Koto's eyes sparkle with excitement, a gleam of eagerness flashing through that wide-eyed stare. "I want to see your students! Their quirks are so cool! Can we go see them?"

Aizawa chuckles softly, "I think I know just the place."

The two of them make their way through the campus, passing students who greet them with polite nods. Koto waves to everyone she sees, her boundless energy infecting those around her. Aizawa leads her to one of the training grounds, where several heroes-in-training are practicing their quirks.

"Wow!" Koto exclaims, watching as one particular student creates a gust of wind with a flick of his wrist. "That's so cool! How does he do that?

Aizawa kneels beside her, "that's a wind quirk. It allows him to manipulate air currents. Every quirk is unique, you know. It takes practice to master them."

Koto nods eagerly, jotting down messy scribbles in her notebook with a quick doodle of the student. She asks question after question, each one more enthusiastic than the last, albeit some are way out of Shota's league. He patiently answers what he can, enjoying her curiosity.

As the two of them walk, they encounter other students demonstrating their quirks. Koto marvels at each one, taking notes and asking her father to explain the science behind them. Aizawa finds himself talking more than usual, despite his usual reserved demeanor, enjoying the chance to share his knowledge with his daughter. Her eyes dart from one student to another, her notebook clutched tightly in her hands. She sees a student with a quirk that lets him create and control flames, and so her eyes widen in excitement. The student conjures a swirling vortex of fire in his palm, then releases it into the air, where it dissipates into a shower of embers.

"Dad, dad!" She chimes, quickly jotting down what she sees. "How does he do that? How can he control fire like that? Can he do that with every fire source, or just his own?"

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