15k Reader Special?

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Hi everyone! Strawberry here. As you may have noticed, we are rapidly approaching 15k readers here on Wattpad! (excluding the 6k readers on Ao3, which sums up to about 21k!) 

Below I have a story for you, an enemies to lovers Gojo x Reader! I hope you enjoy it, and make sure to answer the question(s) below!

Remember, requests are OPEN! This one wasn't requested by anyone, just based off a j.ai chat I had <3


What would you guys like to see for a 15k reader special? A new story perhaps? Involving maybe Gojo, or someone else? A specific chapter? Maybe a vote on a specific chapter, one that I don't normally write? Let me know in the comments!


The mission demands discretion and economy, but booking a single room wasn't exactly what you had in mind when you signed up to work with Gojo Satoru.

You stand in the cramped hotel room, suitcase in hand, staring at the only sleeping arrangement available: a full-sized bed occupying most of the space. Across the room, Gojo lounges casually against the doorframe, his usual smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"So, partner," he drawls, his voice laced with amusement. "Looks like we'll be getting cozy tonight."

You shoot him a glare. "Don't get any ideas, Satoru. This is purely for the mission."

Gojo's smirk widens, his playful demeanour evident even in the dim hotel room. "Who said anything about ideas? I'm just here to ensure we don't freeze to death in this chilly room."

Rolling your eyes, you drop your suitcase on the floor and begin unpacking your essentials. "Sure, keep telling yourself that," you mutter under your breath, though a small part of you appreciates his attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere.

He watches you unpack with casual interest, leaning against the dresser now. "You know," he starts, his voice low and teasing, "this could be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better."

You scoff, not bothering to look up as you organise your belongings. "We've been partners for years, Gojo. I think I know enough."

He chuckles softly, stepping closer. "Oh, come on, don't be like that. I promise I won't bite... unless you want me to."

His suggestive tone makes you shoot him another glare, "you wish, Satoru."

Gojo strides confidently over to the bed, patting the mattress with a grin. "I call dibs," he declares, flashing you a playful smirk.

You sigh, a mixture of annoyance and resignation evident in your expression as you glance over at Gojo sprawled comfortably on the bed. "Fine," you concede reluctantly, knowing it's futile to argue with him. With an annoyed shrug, you resign yourself to the couch, finding the rough surface of it uncomfortable but not unbearable.

The silence in the room is suffocating, broken only by the occasional rustling of pages as you flip through the report in your hands. Gojo lounges on the bed behind you on the other side of the room, his presence as overwhelming as ever.

Gojo stretches lazily, his white hair catching the dim light of the single lamp in the room. He glances at you, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "You know, if you keep frowning like that, your face might get stuck," he teases.

You shoot him another glare. "Why don't you mind your own business for once, Gojo?"

He chuckles, the sound infuriatingly pleasant. "Alright, alright. Suit yourself."

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