Strawberry Donuts (BF Scenarios)

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-- Strawberry Donuts --

~ How You Meet ~

Type of fic: general - SFW
Request: No
Please enjoy!

     Nerves are running wild, sweat beading down your face under the warm sun of Japan. Today is the day; the day you began your new job at UA. It made you jittery, or maybe that was just your coffee you purchased at Moonbucks. Either way, going from a front office clerk at an elementary school to being a teaching assistant at the UA highschool was a drastic jump up the corporate ladder. It even involved a decent pay raise, too.

     With the breeze brushing against your skin, you took a deep breath and opened the doors to the front office of UA with a confident smile.

"I'm here as the new teaching assistant." You tell the lady at the front.

"Your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Ah, here you are," she says, clicking at what you assume is your info on her computer, "first off, congratulations on your new job; UA has been in need of a teaching assistant for quite some time now. It's hard to get accepted as one, especially considering..."

She pauses for a second, adjusting her glasses as she squints at her screen, "you're not even a hero! Maybe you could learn a thing or two from the people here, huh?" A chuckle escapes her lips and she waves her hand dismissively at you. "You'll be in Class 1-A. Good luck, you'll need it with those kids."

"Where would that be?"

"Just down the hall on your left, sweetie. It's a big door, you can't miss it. Trust me." A wink is sent your way.

You nod and sigh as you make your way down the hall, your hands nervously gripping the strap of your bag and your coffee cup. You take a sip and lick your lips, wiping away the remnants of your coffee off your upper lip.

Will I be a good assistant? Will the students make fun of my nerves? Will I mess up on my first day?

These thoughts and many others run through your mind endlessly. You were so caught up in your thoughts, you almost did miss the giant door of class 1-A. You glance at your watch, you have ten minutes before class starts, you start to wonder if you got here late. Before you can even reach for the door handle, it slides open.

A young man with glasses and jet blue hair and the most arched-out brows you've ever seen, stands before you under the door threshold.

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida, I take it you are (L/N), is that correct?" He extends a hand out to you, which you promptly shake. His grip was firm and strong but not enough to cause you any discomfort. With a nod of your head, but before you can speak, he smiles warmly at you. "Welcome to our class, (L/N)! We all heard you would be coming as an assistant. To be fair, our teacher needs the extra help. We have quite a few troublemakers in our midst."

You heard a loud shout of "I can hear you, dumbass!" come from inside the room. You raise a curious eyebrow, was this kid not the teacher? He sure looked the part, and acted like it, too. You peeked inside before taking a cautious step in. It seems like most of the students were in their seats, a few standing and talking amongst each other. Your entrance turns the heads of these kids, and you notice a few different gazes. Most of the girls give you a look of relief, while a few, or rather, two of the boys, look at you so intently you almost shrivel under their gaze. You try not to let it affect you; you would have to deal with all kinds of personalities from here on out, and if a few intense gazes would make you nervous like this, you would not last.

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