Hot Springs

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Part 1 of 2. 

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Soft morning light filters through your curtains, gently coaxing you awake from your slumber. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, the first thing you decide to do is reach for your phone on the bedside table. You blink away the remnants of dreams and see that you have a text message.

Aizawa's text greets you, causing a spark of excitement to flutter in your chest. "Good morning," it reads, "I have a surprise for you. Be ready by the evening; we're going to a hot spring. My treat."

A warm smile tugs at your lips as you read the message, the prospect of spending the evening with your crush filling you with anticipation. Your fingers are quick to type out: "Good morning Shota! I'll be ready! :)"

Throughout the day, you found yourself eagerly counting down the hours until your evening rendezvous with Aizawa. Even as you train and perform your hero work, your mind is still occupied with thoughts of him. This would be the first time you'd see him relax properly, more so sit in a hot spring with you.

Finally, the sun begins its descent below the horizon. You hear a knock on your door, a gentle yet firm knock that echoes through your apartment. Quickly glancing at yourself in the mirror, you make sure you look presentable. Hurrying to the door, heart racing with excitement, you greet the tall man who stands before you.

His usual tired expression softens slightly at the sight of you, a rare and subtle smile pulling at his lips. "Hey," he greets, "ready to go?"

Nodding eagerly, you step out of your apartment and lock the door behind you. "Definitely."

Following Aizawa down the hallway, a soft rustling catches your attention. Glancing backwards, you see Orange, your beloved cat, peeking out from behind a potted plant.

With a playful swish of his tail, Orange pads over to join you at the door, eyes brimming bright with curiosity, as if to say "where is master going?"

"Hey there, Orange." Speaks Aizawa, a slight chuckle emanating from his throat as he crouches down to scratch Orange behind the ears. "Trying to sneak out with us, huh?"

Purring in response, Orange rubs against Aizawa's hand before darting away into the kitty door to make it into your apartment, leaving you two alone once more.

You turn to Aizawa, excitement coursing through you like electricity. "Let's go," you say, a grin tugging at your lips as you fall into step beside him. Together, you make your way outside to his car, anticipation building with every step.

Aizawa unarms his car and opens the passenger door for you, gesturing for you to sit inside. You do so, nodding a small "thanks" to him as you settle into the passenger seat of his car. Aizawa slid into the driver's seat beside you, the purr of the engine rumbling through the quiet street as he started the car.

You lean back in your seat with a content sigh, feeling the tension of the day melt away as the car begins to roll smoothly down the road. Soon enough, the conversation flows easily between you and Aizawa as the familiar rhythm of the journey lulls you into a sense of calm.

The two of you talk about mindless things – favourite movies, hero gossip, quirks of your respective hero agencies – each topic drawing you closer together as you share laughs and exchange stories. There's a comfort in the easy familiarity of your conversation, a sense of connection.

Minutes pass by in a blur of streetlights and shadows. You steal glances at Aizawa, marvelling at the way the soft glow of the dashboard lights illuminate his features. Eventually, the city gives way to open roads and starlit skies, the darkness enveloping you comfortably.

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