Midnight Chase

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"Are request still open?

If they are can I request a chapter kinda like "rainwater"Where we are the villain but instead of running can we got back to help Aizawa with the nomu and he got hurt..so we got back to help....? Also love the chapters!! 💚"

Happy to write this request out for you!! I do hope you enjoy it!


Aizawa x Villain! Reader

Type of fic: SFW


Waking up slowly from your disturbed slumber, the weight of insomnia hanging heavy upon you like a relentless specter haunting your thoughts. Your sleep is fractured and fragmented by the relentless grip of sleeplessness and it's been this way for as long as you can remember.

With a heavy sigh, you push yourself upright, your movements heavy with exhaustion. Swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, you rub your tired eyes and plant your feet on the cold hardwood floor below. Moonlight filters through the window, casting eerie shadows across the room as you rise to your feet.

You shuffle across the room with leaden footsteps, dragging yourself forward, each step a struggle. You could feel the weight of night pressing upon your shoulders, the silence of early hours echoing with the rhythmic beat of your restless heart.

Finally reaching the kitchen, you reach for a snack, the familiar surroundings offering a small semblance of comfort. Your hand automatically moves to your snack cabinet where you grab a handful of saltine crackers; anything to soothe the hunger that gnaws at your stomach.

Munching on your crackers, you pour yourself a glass of cool water, relishing the liquid as it washes away the aching dryness in your throat. It feels like a small victory, a brief respite even, from the onslaught of insomnia. It is suffocating; the silence of the night. Desperate for some relief, you find yourself drawn to the front window, your feet on autopilot.

You stand before the window, gazing out into the darkness beyond. The streets lie empty and quiet, the only sound is the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze or distant hum of cars. The cool night air beckons you, promising a respite from the stifling confines of your room.

You make your decision with a heavy sigh, the need for fresh air outweighing any lingering doubts. You step away from the window and make your way to the front door where you grab your keys off your rack and your sweater off the hanger.

Taking a deep breath, you push open the door and step out into the darkness. For a moment, you simply stand there, allowing the cold night air to wrap around you like a comforting embrace. With each breath, you feel a sense of calm wash over you, the tension draining from your weary muscles.

A sense of tranquility washes over you like a soothing balm for your soul as the cold air envelopes you, your feet padding softly against the concrete as you exit your hideout. It's a run-down apartment complex, one that hasn't been sold yet but the landlord hasn't been bothered to keep up with.

Maybe you'll find some old lady to rob, or maybe you'll find your hands in someone's open car window, carelessly forgot about. You rub your greedy hands together like a fly, a smirk coming across your face as your eyes begin to dart around, looking for potential victims.

But just as you are about to approach your first car of the night, a prickling sensation creeps up the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. On instinct, you glance around, but the darkness shrouds everything in its inky veil. Shaking off the feeling of unease, you convince yourself that it's just your paranoia playing with you, the same paranoia that comes when you indulge in your thievery, afraid that you're going to be caught in the act.

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