Worlds (NSFW)

982 13 11

Hello and welcome to my 15k (in reality its 21k) reader special! 
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it. It's one of my longest chapters so far, reading at over 5k words and 14 pages in my google doc. 

Summary: your world collides with Aizawa and Levi's -- what happens when they end up in your apartment?

Requests are open! Remember to check out my other published story too, where instead of Aizawa, the chapters feature Levi Ackerman!



In the quiet of your bedroom, you're sprawled across your bed, your laptop balanced on your knees. The soft glow of the screen illuminates your face as you scroll through yet another fanfiction search featuring your favourite characters, Levi Ackerman from the hit series Attack on Titan and Shota Aizawa from fan favourite My Hero Academia.

Your heart flutters with every well-written interaction, every clever line of dialogue, and every tender moment crafted by talented writers. You can't help but smile as you read about Levi's stoic yet protective nature and Aizawa's gruff exterior that hides a caring heart.

With a sigh, you close the laptop and stare up at the ceiling. "If only they were real," you murmur to yourself, feeling a pang of longing. "Life would be so much more interesting."

You chuckle softly, knowing it is just another silly thought of yours. With that, you shut your pretty eyes and let sleep take over, dreams full of your favourite characters.

The next morning, you wake up feeling refreshed. The sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm, honeyed glow across your room. You stretch and yawn as you decide that today calls for a night of self-care and some pampering. Some wine, a good book, and maybe a nice long bath. Perfect.

After getting dressed and making yourself a nice breakfast, you grab your keys and head out to the store. The weather is pleasant, the fresh air invigorating as you walk down the street to your local market.

You wander through the aisles, picking up a bottle of your favourite wine, some snacks, and a few other items to pamper yourself with. You can already imagine the evening ahead: a warm, candlelit bath with some of your favourite music followed by a snuggly cosy blanket in bed with a glass of wine in hand, and perhaps a movie or two to lose yourself in, then a chapter before bed.

As you approach the checkout counter, your thoughts drift back to the fanfiction you read last night. Smiling to yourself, you can't help but think about how nice it would be to share your self-care night with someone like Levi or Aizawa. Someone who could understand and appreciate the need for a little peace and quiet.

With your items bagged and paid for, you begin heading back home, eager to start your day of relaxation.

As you unlock the door to your apartment and step inside, the low murmur of voices coming from your living room is the first thing you notice. Confused and on high alert now, you drop your bag of groceries on the kitchen counter and cautiously make your way towards the source of the sound.

Peeking around the corner, your heart skips a beat as you see two familiar figures standing in your living room: Levi Ackerman and Shota Aizawa. They look just as you've always imagined them – Levi with his stern expression and Aizawa with his tired eyes and dishevelled hair.

You blink, trying to process what you're seeing. "Wh-"

Before you can so much as finish what you were going to say, Levi turns to you, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Where are we?" he demands, his voice as commanding as ever.

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