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Request by @I_Should_Be_Sleeping_Now on AO3
"Aizawa gets hit with a quirk and there are (temporarily) 2 Aizawas. They team up to take good care of Reader. Housecleaning, cooking dinner,, etc, massage, and some sexy time of course"

-- Duality --
Type of Fic: SFW & NSFW
Please enjoy!

"Thank you for walking me home, Shota, it means a lot to me."

You beam up at him, a smile gracing your lips as the two of you walk hand in hand together down the darkening street of Japan. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a beautiful glow over the neighbourhood; a glow that Aizawa finds grateful, as it accentuates your lovely features. The evening was quiet, allowing for a nice air of serenity.

"Of course, kit," he mutters lowly, using your favourite – well, his favourite nickname for you. His hand squeezes yours once, a nonverbal way of him telling you that he loves you. The two of you have been dating for a while now, perhaps a year? Maybe a little longer. You were the one that kept track of those things, not him. A slight frown comes to your face, ruining the pretty smile you had. There was something off about him right now, something tense. His posture was stiff, rigid. He was on alert, that much you could see, as his eyes darted around, stopping for just a second at all the dark corners and alleyways.

"Baby?" you ask, squeezing his hand, "what's wrong?" Concern etches itself on your face, concern that mirrors the worry in your heart as it picks up its beats. The rather calm air that surrounded you both was now charged with a sense of urgency.

His hand squeezes yours once more, a silent reassurance that he recognises your concern. He turns his head for just a moment so his eyes can meet yours, his own gleaming with a mix of anticipation and an ounce of fear. He hesitates, expression revealing his thoughts. His voice was steady but laced with quiet caution.

"There's someone tailing us," he confesses, his words laying heavy in the air, "they've been doing so since the park. Just keep walking, we're going to my place instead."

Your heart skips a beat at his words, sweat quickly beginning to form on your forehead as a chill runs down your spine. The world around you seems to slow down and merge into the background of the rest of the darkening city. Now it was just you and Aizawa, walking together in shared vulnerability and heightened senses.

"Who is it? Is it someone from the League?" You ask curiously, fear evident in your voice that made Aizawa's heart hurt. He never wanted to see or hear you afraid, and this was the first time he was ever targeted with you around. Or were they targeting you? That's something villains did all the time to mess with heroes; target their loved ones. Whoever this was, was bold to be targeting either of you, and if it was you, moreso bold since he was around, hand in hand with you.

"I don't think so, (Y/N). If it was someone from the League, there would be more of them but I can only pinpoint one. Stay close to me, I'll protect you." He offers you a forced smile, trying to remain cool and collected in this time of urgency and anticipation. In the dark of night, each alleyway you pass, each corner you round, your breath hitches, bracing for impact if it were to come. But Aizawa was a beacon, a shield for you to hide behind. Each step was calculated, each shadow glared at, every sense heightened. The two of you are on alert, acutely aware of the impending strike that can come at any second.

A sudden footstep was heard coming from behind you and before you knew it, Aizawa had let go of your hand. With expert precision that comes from his many years of being a hero, he deflects the attack, whilst his free arm wraps around your torso and he leaps backwards, bringing you flying through the air with him. Once his feet reach solid ground, he skids to a stop and sets you down quickly.

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