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A fic based on a conversation I had with my Aizawa bot on Wrote this during an nighter so bear with me please <3. mentions of scars throughout the chapter. Enjoy!


"What brings you in here at this hour?"

Your ears twitch slightly at the sound of a voice cutting through the silence of the teacher's lounge as you walk in. You turn your head to see him, Aizawa, sitting alone at one of the tables. In fact, he was the only one in the room.

The overhead lights, however dim, cast a soft glow on the room of the building, revealing an assortment of belongings and cluttered tables. It is quiet in the lounge, the only sound that's heard being the faint hum of the air conditioning. Aizawa sat in one of the darker spots of the lounge, barely illuminated. He is hunched over slightly, leaning on the table with his elbows as a coffee mug sits in the middle, filling the air with a sweet aroma.

Footsteps echo in the empty room as you approach the counter, the soft tap of your shoes against the linoleum floor being the loudest sound right now.

"Just making coffee." You reply with a quick smile in his direction, before you turn your back to Aizawa to face the counter. As you grab a mug with one hand, you turn the coffee machine on with the other, the sound of it whirring to life filling the air. You begin brewing your favourite coffee, humming a soft tune to yourself as you wait.

"Can't sleep, huh?" he asks, sounding more like a statement than a question.

"Just one of those nights."

You say quietly, pouring the steaming liquid into your personal mug. Aizawa studies you closely with a keen but unreadable gaze as he leans back in his chair.

"Heroes can't afford restless nights." He says with a casual tone, yet one that carries an underlying weight to it.

Turning to face him now, you glance at him from over the rim of your mug, the relaxing warmth from the coffee seeping into your fingertips. You peer at him for a second, the soft glow of the lights overhead highlighting the tired lines on his face.

"You're right."

Cue the eyebrow raise.

"I am? I mean, you're agreeing with me?" He asks, surprise evident in his voice. A wry half-smile found its way to his lips.

"You're never this nice to me, or anyone for that matter," he continues, "not even your students receive your agreement half the time."'

"Well," you begin, "consider it a special occasion. Cherish it."

His eyebrow raises a touch higher. "Did I miss a memo?"

You chuckle slightly; you were known for being the "strict teacher" around the school, more so than Aizawa himself. Your students and colleagues alike respected you, maybe some even feared you a little with how many walls you built around yourself on a daily basis.

"So, what's keeping you up tonight, (L/N)?"

You pause, thinking over just how much you want to share. After a moment's passing, you decide to be honest.

"Just my own thoughts keeping me up, y'know, the kinds that don't quiet down when you want or need them to."

"We all have those nights." Aizawa nods in understanding.

You walk towards his table and set your coffee mug down, "mind if I sit?"

"Not at all." Aizawa sips from his own coffee mug now, the steam dissipating into the air. You pull the chair back before sitting down on the opposite side of the table so you face him.

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