Gojo Special

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Hello! Strawberry here bringing you a Satoru Gojo special! This has been requested by an anonymous user and will be my first time officially writing for Gojo. I just finished the anime a week ago and thought this request would be the perfect opportunity to write for him. 

Jealous! Gojo x Reader!

Requests are open! :3


The sun is settling over the grounds of Jujutsu High, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. You are in the training yard, finishing up a sparring session with one of the second-year students. As you wipe the sweat from your brow, you notice Gojo Satoru approaching, his usual relaxed smile on his face.

"Hey there, sparring superstar!" he calls out, his voice carrying easily across the distance. "You're making me look bad with how hard you're working."

With a laugh, you shake your head. "As if. No one can make you look bad, Satoru."

He grins, his blue eyes twinkling behind his sunglasses. "Flattery will get you everywhere, you know."

You can't help but smile as you roll your eyes. The older teacher has a way of making everything seem less serious, lighter. It's one of the reasons you enjoy his company so much; he made even the most gruelling training sessions bearable.

You bid goodbye to your student and walk together with Gojoj back towards the main building. He keeps up a steady stream of banter, teasing you about your form and offering tips that were as much about making you laugh as they were about improving your technique.

"Seriously, though," he says as you reach the entrance, "you're doing great."

"Thanks, Satoru," you say, feeling a warm glow of appreciation. "That means a lot coming from you.

"Anytime," he replies, "you know I've always got your back."

As you open your mouth to respond, the door swings open, and a new face steps out. Akira, the latest addition to the teaching staff, smiles brightly at the two of you.

"Hey there, Satoru," the young man greets, his eyes lingering on you a little longer than necessary as he takes in your appearances. "And you must be the famous teacher he's always talking about."

"He talks about me?" You blink in surprise.

"All the time," Akira confirms with a nod. "Says you're one of the best!"

Gojo chuckles, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, I wouldn't say all the time..."

Feeling a flutter in your chest at the compliment, you thank Akira. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise! I look forward to seeing you in action." His smile widens.

As Akira walks away, Gojo's smile fades slightly, replaced by a more thoughtful expression. You, however, don't notice, too caught up in the excitement of meeting someone new.

Later that evening, you find yourself in the common room, chatting with Akira. He's easy to talk to, and you enjoy learning about his experiences and perspectives on Jujutsu Sorcery. It isn't long before Gojo joins you, his presence commanding the room as always.

He flips down on the couch in between you and Akira, draping an arm casually over the back. "So, what are we talking about?"

"Just getting to know each other," you reply with a smile. "Akira has some really interesting stories."

"Oh, I bet he does." Gojo raises an eyebrow.

There's a subtle edge to his voice, one you couldn't quite place. You brush it off, though, assuming he's just being himself.

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