Jealousy (NSFW)

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Request asked for by @NMelhus! 

"umm, can I request a Shota x Fem! reader, Shota rough Dom! (degradation, p in v, jealous smut) shota calls reader kitty, reader calls Shota baby & master"

Fem! Reader x Jealous! Dom! Aizawa!

WARNING: This fic contains degradation and name calling. Read at your own risk. 

Requests are open! Sorry this took so long to push out. Writers block Cx


You stir awake as the first rays of sunlight filter through your curtains, which cast a warm glow across the room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you sigh, mind already racing with the day's tasks ahead. Pushing aside the comfort of your blankets, you swing your legs over the side of the bed, feet meeting the cool hardwood flooring.

The air is crisp, tinged with the promise of another bustling day. Rising from your bed, you pad across the room to your window, drawing back the curtains to greet the dawn. The city stirs to life outside; the distant hum of traffic mingling with the chirps of birds.

Taking a deep breath, you hurry to your bathroom, shivering in the morning chill. Stripping yourself of your clothes, you step into the tub and turn on the faucet, waiting just outside of the water's range to wait for it to heat up. Stepping beneath the spray, the water envelopes you, washing away the last remnants of drowsiness. Steam fills the room, wrapping around you like a comforting embrace as you lather your hair with your favourite shampoo, relishing the feel of clean, washed locks. Cleaning your body with meticulous care, you sigh in contentment.

Minutes pass underneath the warm spray of the shower, and eventually, you emerge, feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day. You wrap yourself in a soft, plush towel, you make your way back to your bedroom, the cool air raising goosebumps on your skin.

Dressing yourself in your hero costume, you make your way to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as you, with practised ease, prepare a quick breakfast. Savouring the warmth of the food as it fills your stomach, you feel your ears perk slightly to the sound of your mail slot opening and snapping shut.

Intrigued, you set down your fork and stand up. Making your way to your front door, you are met with a small pile of mail; advertisements, bills, and the occasional letter from a friend or colleague. Your fingers sift through the stack, setting aside the mundane items until you come across a small envelope with no return address.

With your curiosity piqued, you carefully tear open the envelope, revealing a neatly folded piece of paper inside. You pull it out and unfold it, finding yourself met with elegant handwriting, each word carefully penned with precision.

"Dear [L/N] [Y/N],

We at Big Bear Agency have heard of your heroic deeds and abilities, and we are impressed by your dedication to protecting our city. We believe that your skills would be a valuable addition to our team, and would be honoured if you would consider joining us.

Feel free to drop by our agency, which is written on the back of this paper, at your earliest convenience to discuss this opportunity further. We look forward to meeting you!

Best Regards,

[Big Bear], Head of Big Bear Hero Agency"

As you read through the words on the page, excitement and uncertainty bubbles within you. The idea of joining not only your first hero agency, but a new one is both thrilling and daunting. But, as you glance out the window at the bustling city beyond, you feel a surge of determination coursing through your veins. With each passing day, you've grown more confident in your abilities as a hero, and now this invitation is a testament to your hard work and dedication.

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