its not the time

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"i love you!"

oh i know
you should stop doing that
seamless loving of the soul
you love me?
cuz i won't?
nah, but i get it though
still i think you shouldn't get too close
i don't like love
or the way my heart flutters
i don't like the butterflies
they've become moths inside
after so many years of waking and dying
after a while i don't want the thumping in my chest
it's not excitement
now it feels like cardiac arrest
to love is not calm
it's panic
it's fear
it's insanity
please do not bring that here

why would you?

how could you?

i say these words like you stabbed me in my back
may as well have

how dare you love me
when i don't love you back?

who gave you permission to do something like that?

now my hands are sweaty
the moths arise
my head is light
my heart is clenching
i call out into the night

please don't let me love

but love chose me
love knows me

too well

love welcomes me in and says
welcome to hell

i grimace in reply
i frown and drop my arms to the side
how can i run now?
nowhere to hide

it's not the time
ah, it's not the time

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