thank u for saying that

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on a sleepless night i found thoughts swirling in my mind
talk of soulmates and soul ties
all those moments in your life
they once said to me
i hope you find the taki to your mitsuha mind
i feel that my life is defined by that red entangled line
and when i know
i will just know
it won't be hard to define
they will just be the one i have waited for
don't have to change them or my mind
so i am disinterested in those who's don't walk the line
i withdraw because my law
they don't abide
i cannot see through you
but i want to
i want to know the inner workings of your mind
i want to know what makes you tick
but if this
doesn't make you wonder about me
then nothing will
i am more than just a pretty face
i am more than just a pretty mind

i have secrets
that i hide behind

i hope you can understand
the inner mechanisms of my mind

i hope you can understand
why i don't always like the bright light

i hope you can understand
why my ears are always put to use

i have drown out these thoughts somehow
so my music is my muse
and i use this muse to change my life
to alter brain chemistry
to fight against my genes
to keep me alive
they are not just words
damn right
they're mine
and my words are important

time after time

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