Thunder At Work

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Amara and Baal stood on the dark shoreline, ominous black and green storm clouds were rolling in from over the sea at a painfully slow pace but Baal, with his keen eyes for storms, could tell that a hurricane was forming. Amara stood with him watching as well and they could both feel the heavy dark feeling of the impending hurricane.

"So, when do you think the right time will be for you to begin work?" The goddess asked and the god of thunder and storms just grinned in response. "Oh I'm already working, beautiful. I'm just waiting."

She gives him a curious look, willing to overlook the term of endearment that he always calls her. "For what, may I ask?" She questions, turning her eyes back to the slowly rising tempest over the dark violent ocean. Flashes of purple, blue and white lightning crashed in the distance, so close to hitting the water. It's going to be a dangerous one. She thought.

And Baal had this at his disposal, could summon them up at a flick of a wrist.

She could respect that he used this power without arrogance. But again, big brother Morax doesn't do arrogant, nor would he allow a creation of his to get too big for their britches. An amused smile crosses her face as Baal started to step into the air, using his control over the winds to carry his weight. The winds howling around the two of them, both their hair whipping around in the tempest that has now reached them even miles away.

He...looks good when serious. When he's like this. She thought, eyes glued to the thunder gods' back as he began to orchestrate the storm to create the hurricane, loud booms of thunder, flashes of lightning around them and illuminating them and the beach in an eerie light in the near pitch black of the evening. Amara could admit that Baal was handsome when serious.

And his teasing grin, the doe-eyed loving look he always gave her even after she keeps rejecting him.

It was all very cute.

Amara shakes her head at this, not wanting to think about Ball being cute. He's not cute! He's just annoying!...and very sweet... She felt her face heating despite the frigid cold.

I don't like him. Not one bit!

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