Baal and Amara Meet

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"I get to finally meet your sister?" The god of thunder asked, shocked yet excited and Chuck laughed. "Yeah, you get to finally meet her. Just don't be your normal stupid self and she might even like you." Baal's best friend replied and the thunder god began to think. What was she like? Tall? Short? Short tempered or more level headed? Aloof? So many questions and he knew Chuck wouldn't tell him anything even if he begged or bribed. The man would just take the bribe and he would totally hang the begging over his head for a hundred years, if not longer.

"So when can I meet her?" The blue heterochromia god asked.

"At the lantern festival tonight. She knows to expect you." Chuck replied with a cheeky grin and Baal just rolls his eyes. "Bastard."

"Don't swear in front of or at my sister, please and thank you."

The darker skinned god just gave the other an unimpressed look and rolls his eyes. "I'm a gentleman, not a cretin. I have manners and standards."


It was getting dark and Baal and Chuck were talking on top of a cliff overlooking the city of which the festival would be taking place. Anything and everything was the topic of tonight as the god of thunder eagerly awaited the arrival of Morax and Amara. 

With a swirl of leaves and fire appeared Amara and Morax a little bit behind them and both gods turn to the newcomers with smiles on their faces.

Baal was about to greet them when his breath caught in his throat. Chuck's sister, Amara, was so incredibly beautiful. Chuck didn't tell him what she looked like and he felt so wholly unprepared for this meeting. 

Her auburn hair that fell around her shoulders were in neat curls, her expression impassive and Baal's heart felt like it was in his throat

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Her auburn hair that fell around her shoulders were in neat curls, her expression impassive and Baal's heart felt like it was in his throat. Brown eyes were locked onto him and his gut was doing a weird twisting that wasn't entirely unpleasant - just new. He could feel Chuck's hand on his shoulder and even though Chuck told him not to be stupid he couldn't help but speak his mind.

"You're gorgeous."

Morax looked amused, Amara even more unimpressed and Chuck just placed a hand over his eyes - embarrassed.

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