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Chocolate brown hair that faded to amber was being combed meticulously with deft fingers as Morax leaned into the touch of the mortal standing behind him. It feels nice having someone else do my hair. The god thought, the gentle pull caused a quiet purr to come out of him and Darien's fingers brushed against the back of his neck causing Morax to shudder slightly - not in a bad way, it felt nice. Surprising but nice.

"Your hair is so silky and soft, Morax-daren." Darien murmured softly, awed at being allowed to touch this gorgeous hair that belonged to the god who had so quickly taken his mortal heart. "It feels like the finest silks humans have created and it smells like the embers of a campfire." Darien leans forward, lifting a lock of the long lush dark hair up at the time time and lets his nose glide across it to take in more of the scent. A faint trace of leather hit his sense of smell and the blonde haired human inhaled slowly and deeply.

Morax felt his face flush a bit and he tilts his head slightly to look over his shoulder to look at Darien. "You've gotten quite bold over these last two years, Darien." A slight twitch of amusement was on his lips.

"I may have gotten bolder but it's not like you're stopping me." Darien wouldn't have dreamed of any of this two years ago, when they first met face to face in the clearing that day. Nor would he have thought of being so...informal with the god long before then - having always watched Morax from afar. He had loved Morax long before the god had addressed him personally that day.

The human leans forward and lets his nose brush against that delicate looking neck, just under his ear where an earring was clipping into place. Something Morax never took off.

Morax's breath hitched almost silently but Darien heard him as the god tilts his head to the side slightly. The scent of embers and fresh leather was stronger and the green eyed human places his lips on the warm skin, another silent hitch of breath.


Said human still had a hold of Morax's long hair and he lets go, bringing the right hand up to rest it on the gods' right shoulder opposite of the one his chin was nearly resting on and where his left hand rested. Darien loved seeing his god without that white layer of clothing, it meant that his face was exposed and oh did Darien love how his face looked. "Yes, Morax-daren?" The human whispered quietly into Morax's ear, feeling the god shudder in his hold.

Morax turned his head to look at Darien fully and instantly green eyes landed on those slightly glistening lips - saw that they were parted slightly and those golden eyes were half closed, inviting. Using his right hand, Darien placed it oh so gently on Morax's cheek as he leans in the rest of the way and placed his own lips over the gods'. It was the barest touch, feather light and the golden amber eyes widen in shock at the sudden kiss, his breathing stopping.

Darien wondered fearfully if he had read all this wrong and that Morax didn't actually-

Suddenly Morax was kissing him back, adding a bit more pressure as his eyes slip closed and Darien smiles, his own eyes closing.

Despite smelling like embers and leather, his taste was more of a sweet tasting flower. 

The mortal human gently and slowly pulls Morax closer so that the gods' back was more flush against his chest but everything he did was gentle - Darien would never dream of being rough with the Geo Archon, the being whom he loved so much.

[Prequel] Beloved Archons' FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now