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It was a beautiful morning in Nibelheim, winds were gentle and Morax thought that it would be a good day to get out and enjoy it for a little bit instead of being locked in the palace overlooking the mortals. Just a small break before he went back.

He lands gently on the grass in the location that he chose, the grass thick and green, tall with wild flowers open and glistening with morning dew causing Morax to smile. Such an innocent sight... He runs a hand along one of the larger flowers, watching as it seemed to get more vibrant after he touched the yellow petals.

The god quietly padded over to the willow tree and calmly sat down on one of the large stones that was at the base of it, his robes flaring out and cascading down the rock. The brunette-amber haired god brings his legs up and crosses them, closing his glowing eyes to just take in everything.


He wished it could be like this forever. He will do his best to keep this peace for his world, for his family. And for his creations.

Anything to make them happy.

A bit of a stronger breeze hits him and he opens his eyes to see little pappus floating past his face. Raising one dark colored hand that was glowing from the markings on it, he let the little seeds weave themselves between his fingers and he tilts his head slightly to watch them fly off into the sky - following the winds. Morax looks away to look out into the hilly field - pine trees and maples amongst other types of trees made a barrier around this opening, a small little creek waved between the slight hills.

It was worth having a human vessel - a mortal body - just to be able to feel this. To experience at least a little of what the mortals did. What his creation could feel. It did sadden Morax a bit that he couldn't actually feel anything properly in a physical sense - it was vague at best and just a pressure to him at worse.

He wished he could be human, at least for a day, so he could feel what they did. To feel the sun on his face, the breeze on his skin and be able to feel the grass beneath his feet.

Alas, he couldn't and so he should just accept it.

Morax leans his back slightly against the trunk of the willow tree behind him and sheltering him from the morning sun.

"A-ah! M-Master Morax?" A voice squeaked and Morax instantly opened his eyes to look at who disturbed him and found a man looking at him with shocked wide eyes. Why does this mortal look so-? It was then that Morax realized he had taken his hood down when he entered this place and now this human can see his features perfectly.

It was a quiet beat before the humans' face went bright red, the basket of fruits held in one hand. "I-I'm so sorry Master Morax! I didn't know you would be here-"

"Relax, you've done nothing wrong." Morax cut him off, seeing the short messy dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. Morax stood up slowly and calmly and found that this human stood nearly as tall as him. He smiles kindly at the mortal in front of him, seeing the blush darken further. "What's your name?"

"Ah...Darien, Master. Darien Winchester."

Morax tilts his head slightly, "Darien hm?"

Darien blushes further and ducks his head but he doesn't miss Morax's hand reaching out and to his chin, two fingers lifting his head up so their eyes locked together again - the human felt his heart race hard in his chest. The undivided attention of this holy being made goosebumps rise on his bare arms.

"Y-yes, sir."

"Strong name. May I ask what it is that you do?" Morax asked as he lowered his hand. "I work a-as a baker my lord." The green eyed male replied, embarrassed yet surprised that the Geo Archon was giving him the time of day - interested in what he did for a living. "Gathering ingredients for your shop?" Darien nods. "Let me accompany you then. May I try a sample of your baking skill?"

"B-but-!" Darien nearly choked from surprise, beginning to get nervous. Master Morax wants to try my baking! Master Morax - THE god wants to accompany on my errands! Darien felt lightheaded with nerves and joy. Such a strange combination but it gave him butterflies in his stomach.

"O-of course! I would be honored my lord." The human spoke, a shy smile gracing his face and Morax smiled in return. It was small, but it was as bright as the sun. It made Morax look younger, softened the harsher edges despite being small - a mere few centimeters really - but Darien didn't care.

He got Morax to smile.

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