Sleepless Night

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It was dark outside yet Morax found himself unable to sleep.

It was clear skies and so the stars and full moon illuminated the city that the god held so dear to his heart. It was...a very beautiful night. Yet he felt incredibly restless so he decided to take a stroll through his physical home.

Checking up on Amara first, the god found her fast asleep in her canopy bed, curtains drawn tight to keep out the light. Morax smiles faintly and silently closes the door. The next one he checks up on is Chuck and he finds that his younger brother had fallen asleep at his desk again, papers scattered everywhere and drooling slightly.

With a silent sigh and a shake of his head, the white and black clad god stepped into the room, footsteps silent as he reached his brother and very carefully picked him up, cradling him against his chest before he walked over to the bed. Morax lays him down on it and covered him up. He doesn't leave immediately, just quietly watching his tired brother before he leans down and kisses his forehead, a soft "good night" left his lips before he turned and strode out, closing the door just as silently as he did Amara's behind him.

Chuck has found a passion for writing it seems. The golden eyed god looked back at Chuck's bedroom door. I'm happy he's found something he enjoys.

With that thought, the god of gods continues on his way.

He finds Baal wide awake on the balcony leaning against the railing and staring aimlessly out over the city.

"Baal, what keeps you up tonight?" Morax asked, his soft yet deep voice breaking the serene silence. Said god turns to look at his creator and gives a one-shoulder shrug. "I don't know. Just restless I guess."

Morax hums in acknowledgement at this and joins Baal's side.

"It's a lovely night out, isn't it?" The god asked, looking out over the city. The darker skinned kept an eye on the other as he replied, "It is. Though I'm wondering why you're up at this hour. It's past midnight." Morax clasps his hands behind his back in a relaxed manner and doesn't reply for a moment. "I'm feeling rather restless as well I suppose. Sleep eludes me at every turn."

"Ah so even the mighty Morax, God of Gods, God Above All, can get insomnia?" Baal teased fearlessly, knowing he can get away with it. Morax gives him an amused look that also held deep fondness that was deeper than skin, than flesh and down to the soul. The god of thunder blushes slightly and looks away with a huff. "You need to stop doing that."

"Hm?" The god tilts his hooded head slightly. "Stop what?"

"Being so cute. You're going to make some poor maiden or bachelor have a heart attack." Baal replied, his tone still teasing as he grins. He enjoyed teasing his creator because despite creating the humans and the world they now live on, despite creating Baal, the Geo Archon was rather dense when it came to noticing when people loved him.

It was both sad and yet so terribly hilarious it was fun.

"I am not 'cute'. And I don't see how mortals having heart problems has anything to do with me openly caring about my creation?" Morax questioned with a slightly raised eyebrow.

The two just stared at each other before the god of thunder looks away first with a defeated grunt. "You should get some sleep Baal. Staying up for so many weeks at a have bags under your eyes." Morax said softly, reaching over and brushing the back of his pointer finger against the dark circle under the darker skinned gods' eye.

"I'll go to sleep if you do, creator."

"Hm...I think I can attempt to go to sleep if it gets you to rest."

"Alright then, lets head in and go to our nice big beds."

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