The Lantern Festival

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Two sets of blue eyes just looked at each other unblinking from across a table.

"Okay..." Baal trailed off. "So you want me to host the Lantern Festival at Teyvat Autake-Ad'Liyue [Kingdom of Beloved Thunder]?" Baal just squints at Chuck as the other remains silent and sips on his glass of dandelion wine. "Why, exactly do you want the festival held there?"

The dirty blonde haired god in front of the darker skinned one guns quietly. "I thought it would be good to change it up a little. Big brother is excited about it being somewhere new."

The thunder god scoffs but in a playful way. "You know he will always say yes to whatever you and Amara want right? So that doesn't count."

"Still need his permission for this kind of thing." The other god pointed out, loudly sipping his wine in the silence of the café.

"It's still always a yes you know." Baal retorted as he traced the rim of his glass with a black nail painted finger. Chuck just smiles and Baal sighs. "And, Teyvat Autake-Ad'Liyue is your favorite place. You spend more time there than at home." Chuck finishes his wine part way through saying this and the bluish black haired god rolls his eyes.

"Since you insist I guess we can have the Lantern Festival at that place instead of the usual." He decides to ignore his best friend's triumphant grin.


The thunder god wouldn't admit it... - okay yes he would very readily admit it in an absolute heartbeat because that's just the kind of guy he was - he was excited for the Lantern Festival being held in his favorite city. He won't have to go far and hell get to meet Amara again.

Baal nervously fiddled with the wrapped gift he has gotten her. 

She was so beautiful, dangerous and yet so kind to everyone. Her sense of humor was so much fun to him and her laughter...

He closes his eyes with a lovestruck sigh as he holds the small gift close to his chest. He has been trying for a few years now to court her in the way he's seen the mortals show interest since he knew that she adored the mortals yet it seems like all his efforts are going to waste.

"L-Lord Baal?" A timid voice spoke up from behind him.

Said god turned around and saw a pretty young maiden mortal and he smiles at her in greeting, his mismatched stormy blue eye and periwinkle blue eye landing on the red headed woman. She was holding out a plate of fried chicken - one of his favorite foods. "Eh? Is there a special occasion I don't know about?" He asked curiously, accepting the sudden gift. "O-oh! No I...I figured that since the festival is t-tonight well...m-maybe we could go together, Baal-daren?" 

He instantly recoiled in shock. The audacity of this mortal! He thought as his eyes widened slightly yet he gave her a friendly smile. "I'm sorry, but I'm already attending the festival with someone else." At least he hoped to accompany Amara to the festival. He wanted more time with her but it always seems like she's too busy for him - Baal won't give up though!

The mortal woman looked dejected as she nodded and wandered off.

It always saddened the god of thunder slightly every time he turned down the mortals who declared their affections towards him but his eyes were on Amara. Heart belonging to her since the moment they met, even though it was painful to constantly get rejected he knew Chuck was trying his best to get her to open up and at least consider.

It wasn't going so well.


Night spread out across Nibelheim and the stars were out, the festivities were now to begin until midnight where the lanterns would be released - a festival in honor of the gods who gave them life and protected them. Baal was searching for Amara as he enjoyed some of the games and good food here and there in his search. His first experience with the lantern festival was where he had met her, the lights had illuminated her so beautifully it had stolen his breath away.

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