The Eye Incident

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Storms were something of a specialty for Baal. Especially ones over the sea since Morax didn't want too many in case it caused a tsunami. Which the god of thunder knew extremely well, Morax didn't like unnecessary work nor just heedless destruction. It was the golden rule of the gods; don't cause harm if it is avoidable and don't abuse your powers to subjugate the mortals. If Morax found out - and he always does because he keeps an eye on everything - then you will be erased without a word of warning. The God Above All doesn't play around with that kind of thing and Baal can respect that.

However, sometimes Morax will grant the odd request of allowing one of the gods to play with their powers so long as they are far from the squishy mortals and structures - so they don't cause death and destruction.

Baal hums quietly as he grins. 

Morax had given him permission to create a storm over the ocean for him to play in with a very stern reminder of the golden rule. How could Baal, the god of thunder, the thunder surfer, the first Auxilium God, forget the golden rule? He was the Firstborn, he knew what to and what not to do.

Then again after Ying's accident he couldn't blame the god of gods for reminding everyone of the rules. It wasn't Ying's fault, she just got too comfortable playing and didn't see the mortals until it was too late. Baal thought when suddenly his eyes caught sight of a ship about a mile from where he was currently and judging the winds, the ship was heading in his direction making the thunder god pout.

There goes my fun.

Stepping up onto the wind from the water, the heterochromiac god allowed the winds to lead him to the boat to meet them half way and the humans were shocked to see him but greeted him excitedly yet respectfully. The winds gently settled him down onto the deck of the ship as he continued to talk effortlessly to them like he wasn't just standing in the air.

One of them asked him if they could see his lightning up close and Baal, not one to disappoint his fans and admirers, produced a thunderbolt for them to see and the awed look on their faces made the dark skinned god grin.

Someone asked if he could produce a storm and at first Baal was confused before he shrugs and is lifted back into the air a little bit. The bolt was already in hand as he raised it to the sky and clouds began to gather - not pitch dark, it was going to be a mild storm, something that wouldn't cause to much harm. He can only do so much when it came to Alatus' domain after all since he no longer controls the seas or he'd do a severe storm while keeping the waters calm. The storm was in full swing when he was startled when the female captain of the ship came up to him and started flirting - nothing unusual until she pressed against him with her fingertips touching his chest.

Baal immediately throws himself backwards from her but ends up being a bit clumsy and they end up hitting foreheads.

Forgetting that he was holding a literal bolt of lightning in his hand still he raised his hand to his forehead...

And promptly stabbed himself.

All was quiet in stunned silence before the mortals began to freak out, especially the female captain as he just watched them with his single good eye as he pulls the bolt away not really wincing as it pulled out the eye he stabbed and lets the bolt dissipate. 

Now that the bolt wasn't in his hand he places his now empty hand over his now empty eyesocket and he could feel the sticky warm blood seep through his fingers as the captain produced an eyepatch for him and the thunder god had to admit - it looked really nice.

She kept profusely apologizing for causing him harm and was practically begging that he not punish her or her crew for her indecent actions or the blasphemy of hurting him but he just laughs it off, accepting the eyepatch and he pats her on the head. Baal tells her that everything is fine and that he wasn't going to punish them - after all she gave him an apology gift so all was good.

When Baal returned home, Amara was instantly at his side and was fretting over his injury and he reassured her that everything was fine, it was just him having a clumsy day so she didn't need to worry. He got a hit to the back of the head for this but also a kiss so it was a win-win for him.

Baal was very happy about his new eyepatch.

Even if he made some mortals green and empty their stomachs when they asked to see under his new accessory a couple days later.

Oh I'm going to have so much fun with this. Baal thought with a grin.

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