Morax and the Bakery

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Darien lead Morax into the bakery that he owned and the god took in the sight. It was a cute little shop with breads and desserts on display, an open oven cooking a fresh loaf of bread and it smelled good. The whole room smelled wonderful and as Darien placed the basket down the dark haired deity went up to one of the tiny colorful breads that had a purple frosting on it.

He picks it up out of curiosity. It was a bit squishy, and delicate feeling but it smelled like...chocolate? It smelled sweet for sure and Darien turns to look at him and blushes. " can try it if you want. Th-though I'm not sure if sweets are your thing m-my lord."

"It smells nice, Darien." Morax complimented before he takes a bite and his golden eyes widen slightly at the taste. He brings his fingers up to his mouth as he chewed - it was good. Darien felt himself blush again at seeing Morax enjoying himself and those damned butterflies have returned. He walks over to the god and notices that the frosting was on his face.

With an amused chuckle he raises a hand without thinking and uses his thumb to wipe off the frosting but they both freeze at the contact - however for different reasons and everything is quiet.

Darien's hand was still on Morax's cheek as the god registered that there was a hand on his face. A hand. Someone was voluntarily touching him. Willingly placing a hand on his vessel felt nice. Though it was strange how his face felt...warm? That thumb was close to his slightly stained lips. A beat later and Darien quick retracted his hand. "Ah! I-I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't mean to show such-"

"It's okay, Darien. You just surpised me is all." Morax smiled slightly and Darien blushes badly again and quickly looks away, grabbing a cloth off the center table and wipes his thumb off. His face was so warm and smooth, soft. Darien thought, his hand tingling from touching the gods' face.

Morax was having a similar reaction. The place the mortal had touched him tingled and for once he could feel warmth that didn't come from his own being.


Morax found himself laughing quietly as Darien got flour all over his shirt and Darien blushes and laughs as well. It was late afternoon now and the god of gods still doesn't have any desire to leave Darien despite having only originally planned on staying for a few minutes before going back to his duties. This I think that's the word for this joy I'm having.

It was...surprisingly easy to let go and just...have fun.

Morax flicked a little bit of dough into Darien's hair and the human squawked and quickly shook it out of his hair before grinning at the god and flicking flour at him.

Somehow it has turned into a mini food fight and for the first time in his life, the god felt closer to his subjects than ever. Doing something so human with one of them.

It was nice.

Darien was a nice mortal...

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