First Kiss

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"You want to go where at this time of night?" Amara asked, shocked as Baal stood before her looking all the world nervous outside her bedroom door. She had just been about to head to bed after finishing a good book when the god of thunder came knocking.

"Well...I mean..." Baal murmured as he adverts his eye.

Amara had never seen him this shy before and fondness for him grew in her heart and she smiles. "Alright. I can postpone my sleep for a while so you can show me what it is that you want to show." The smile that lit up the mans' face made her feel good, having a feeling she made the right choice as he held out a hand for her which she readily took. He kisses the back of it like the true gentleman that he was - when he wasn't being a clumsy embarrassing flirt that is. But she loved him for that.

She loved that he was such a dork around her, looking like a love-struck puppy whenever he looked at her. His grip on her hand was so gentle yet firm, comforting and warm and it never failed to make her heart speed up to make her feel slightly warm in the face and...and make her want to dress up for him. To make herself look good for him yet he always insisted that she was absolutely perfect the way she was. Even with those dark powers of the abyss she held.

Every day he told her how much he loved her, how he thought she looked so stunning and it made her feel wonderful.


His unwavering love since he first saw her was endearing, it made her fall more hopelessly in love with the thunder god who is now wrapping his arms around her and with barely a use of his godly powers he transported them to where he wanted to take her.

There was barely a cloud in the sky, the big, bright white full moon was lighting up the clearing in a silvery glow, the lavender flowers swaying ever so gently in the barely there breeze. It smelled so fresh out here and Baal took a few steps back, but still held her hands.

"Will you dance with me, liyue [beloved]?" Baal asked softly into the quiet night.

Amara nods and smiles, her gaze fixed solely on him. "I would love to have a dance with you." His expression looked so bright and happy her heart hurt from how much she yearned to see his happiness - hurt from how much she was falling deeper in love with the man who worked so hard to capture just her attention, to work his way into her heart to get her to love him back.

Baal pulls her gently to him and they begin their dance, just the two of them out here, like only they existed and her eyes never wandered from him.

From the man who looked so elegant and beautiful in the light of the moon that made his hair shimmer like there was bits of lightning alive in those silky strands she has had the pleasure of feeling. Seeing his darker skin complexion in the moon was like a gift and her eyes fall half closed. His smile was so gentle and loving, his own eyes locked onto hers, only ever seeing her even when so many have tried to take his love for themselves.

Amara allowed herself to be twirled, his hand so gentle on the small of her back, their fingers entwining as she gripped his shoulder and the abyss goddess leans forward, resting her head on his chest, over his heart where it beat steadily and healthily. It was like her own song, hearing it beneath her ear in the quietness.

"I love you, liyue. And I will tell you that for the rest of our lives." Baal whispered into her hair, having buried his face into it while she was distracted - yet she didn't mind. "I love you too, my god of thunder."

She lifts her head and he pulls away slightly to allow her to look at him and they just stand there in the moonlit field of lavender looking into each others' eyes and slowly, oh so slowly both their eyes slip closed as they lean forward.

His lips were so soft against hers and it felt so wonderful to be kissing him. Just a gentle press of lips as she wraps her arms around his neck.

Amara's heart felt so full to bursting from happiness as he wrapped his arms around her waist, one hand coming up to rest between her shoulder blades.

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