Lack of Creativity

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Morax hums softly as golden sparkling light danced around his fingers, weaving the lights into a shape his own unique eyes alight with power as he sat in his chair. 

One leg was crossed over the other at the thigh, elbow resting on the marble armrest with a cheek resting against a dark colored fist an almost bored looking expression on his face in the afternoon light of the palace throne room. Though in all honesty it looked more like a room for worship than for a king as the god of gods paid no mind to the few mortals flitting about, in and out of the room cleaning or just checking up on him since he hasn't come out all day.

His creativity was...lacking. None of the shapes he was forming were inspiring him for a new project. He had already made everything he deemed important for Nibelheim so why was he still feeling unfulfilled? Krei would call it blasphemy.

A small smile tugs at Morax's face as his thoughts go to his pyro painter. He's coming into his powers extremely well. Learning new things about them all the time and improving his control. The god thought fondly, warmth of affection bloomed in his chest making him sigh quietly in a fond way. 

The thoughts turn to Alatus whom was currently out in one of the cities attending a celebration of some sort with his sister Ying. 

She's such a sweet girl. It was a good idea to make a goddess seeing as my little sister has been so much happier having a girl to relate to that isn't mortal. Morax thought and as he shifts in his seat slightly - which wasn't really necessary but more of a habit picked up by his creations who hang out with the mortals all the time - and his fingers brush against the scales on his face around his eyes. The god pauses at this as the golden sparking lights stop moving.

He's never really thought about the microscopic scales around his eyes that protected them from harm, he's never had to think about it as it just looks like shimmering makeup to everyone else. 

Most days he just forgets he even has scales around his eyes in the first place. that he was thinking deeply, maybe he could make something inspired by his scales?

 With that idea in mind, Morax began to weave the lights again this time with more purpose.

Come nightfall no one had interrupted him as he watched the shape changing lights intently. 

Nothing still came to mind by the time the evening meal with his creations and siblings arrived and he dismisses the golden light with a flick of his wrist and stands up elegantly, fluidly like the ethereal being he was and with a flourish of his robes he was moving towards the dining hall where he knew the meal was just now being set.

What greeted him were his creations and siblings who were having what seemed to be a playful argument. Krei was wrestling with Baal and pulling on hair as the two oldest gods shouted about 'taking that back' - Morax had a feeling he didn't want to know. Ying and Ventus were teasing poor Alatus about his height as Ventus used him as an arm-rest and letting out a huge fake yawn while the water god pouted, red in the face.

For the second time that day Morax smiled. 

Dinner went well, like it does every night after everyone settled down from their shenanigans. Conversation was pleasant and light with many failed attempts at starting something via Baal teasing Alatus about his lack of a love life and being so short like a twink. Poor Alatus was the shared thought between Morax and Venti. Sweet little Barbatos idly played with his newly acquired lyre that had been a gift from the mortals after the happy little god of the winds expressed wanting to learn how to play music.

It was not the best sounding thing in the world as Barbatos treated it as more of a game than a hobby he was actually interested in.

Morax has a feeling he'll be hearing about headaches soon enough from the others if he was judging their expressions correctly - which he usually was.

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