Alatus and the Dragon

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The god of water laughs before diving down under the surface of the ocean water, narrowly having his face covered with an overly hyper baby red and black dragon with lava under the scales. 


His most favorite companion that Morax had created for him

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His most favorite companion that Morax had created for him. The baby fire elemental reptile that he had taken care of since they were an egg and the god of water loved Ulzre.

While under the water he could hear the baby flying over where he had dived and was squawking and howling - it was honestly so cute

Ulzre landed on top of the water, the liquid immediately sizzling and bubbling from how hot the dragon ran and Alatus decided to surface, the baby dragon yelping as he was now standing on the water gods' head before Ulzre lost his footing and was now sprawled with his legs hanging down and belly flush against the top of the gods' head. 

Said god was smiling brightly as he reaches up and lightly scratches the top of his scaly friends' head between the horns, making said companion purr and warble.

Alatus could touch his lava dragon without fear because of, well, Alatus being the god of water, the Nero God [Water God]. Ulzre licked his gloved fingers and the god laughs before he begins swimming back to the beach he and his baby dragon had been playing on. 

Once there he flops down as Ulzre jumped down with a flap of fiery wings and began to chase his own tail.

Another laugh bubbles up and out of the small god who rolled onto his front just as the baby dragon pounced and they began to playfully wrestle in the soft sand. Ulzre was trying to lick Alatus' face with his forked tongue and Alatus couldn't resist - he nuzzles the baby lava dragon affectionately, both of them purring and chirping.

The two after another two hours of play were now just laying in the sand watching as the sun slowly set over the water, painting the sky in beautiful reds, oranges, pinks and yellows. A beautiful sunset to end such a fun day as the god of water gently petted the dragon curled up against his chest; the god laying on his side facing the sea, an arm under his head acting as a pillow while the other curled protectively around Ulzre while at the same time using that hand to pet him.

It was a very relaxing evening as Ulzre yawned, stretching out like a cat before resting his jaw over his front talons and closed his eyes, falling asleep to the gentle and soothing pets of his master.

Alatus could feel his own eyes growing heavy as he slowly stopped petting the dragon and as the sun reached to being halfway covered by the horizon was when the god fell asleep, arm still curled around the baby dragon.


Ventus found the two a couple hours later when they didn't show up to the daily meal and he couldn't help but coo at the adorable sight. The baby lava dragon was like a nightlight as the cracks in its' body glowed bright red-orange and acted like a little mini heater for the god of water whose temperature was a lot colder than everyone else.

The god of life chuckles quietly as he carefully gathers up Alatus and Ulzre in his arms - incredibly thankful for the endurance and strength training Krei gave him. Though Barbatos was probably also helping out from the other side of Nibelheim since he did say he was going to look for Alatus after dinner.

"Oh dear brother, what are we ever gonna do with you?" Ventus smiles softly as he carries Alatus back up to the palace, thankful that the god and his baby dragon never left the island the palace sat on. 

Using his domain over life, Ventus had the vines crawling up the side of the palace make a staircase straight to Alatus' bedroom so he didn't have to navigate the halls and he carefully sets both beings down on the large comfy bed before turning and taking his leave.

The god of life didn't bother with covering them with a blanket, he didn't want Alatus to literally be boiling hot and it was a summer night.

"Goodnight, Alatus." Ventus whispered by the window before lowering himself down to the ground floor.

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