Inferno's Birth

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"I wish I had a little brother." Baal lamented one day to Chuck who looked at him with surprise. "Really? You want to be a big brother?" The tone of voice had the thunder god look at Chuck sharply with a frown. "What, am I not allowed to wish for someone to take care of like how my creator cares for you and Amara?" 

Chuck raises his hands trying to placate the now miffed dark haired god. "That's not what I meant. I just meant, why would you of all people, want a little sibling? You seem...far too reckless and slacking to be able to be a big brother." Baal continued to frown as he looked away, back down to the streets below that he and Chuck had been watching. There was some kind of performance going on but Baal didn't really pay attention, too caught up in his own thoughts of what it would be like to be an older brother.

The other god notices that his friend has gone quiet and he places a hand on Baal's arm. "Hey, I'm sure Morax would create you a little brother or sister if you asked him. He loves you, he wants you to be happy." The thunder god just pursed his lips at this but doesn't reply.

Chuck sighs.

"Come on let's go back home. I'll talk to big brother about possibly making you a sibling." If it gets you out of this depressed flunk I'd do anything. This wasn't added out loud but Chuck still thought it. He cared about Baal and wanted him to be happy. He hated seeing this dejected look on his best friend. It was almost the same look the god had that one lantern festival night when he couldn't find Amara before he had basically pushed Amara to go talk to him to cheer him up.

It had been the best decision because it had warmed her up to Baal and eventually she was the first one to declare them an item after a mortal tried to be more important than he actually was. At least that's what Amara told him - kind of, she just said that she put a mortal in his place and was now together with Baal romantically. Her Baal specifically.

He didn't know his sister could be possessive but his best friend was happy and she was happy so he could let it slide. Besides, if it ever gets out of hand and either one starts hurting the other then he can just go to Morax.

They both stand up and with a flurry of wind and a crack of lightning they disappeared from the high rooftop and were back at the palace, standing on the balcony. 

The ability to transport using elements is really handy. Chuck thought but Baal was still quiet.

They walk into the palace and go to the library where Morax likes to spend his afternoons. He was doing a lot of writing as of late and when Amara asked him a few years ago their big brother replied with 'it seemed interesting'. Chuck had taken a peek and it was all about Nibelheim. When Chuck asked, all he got was 'why not?'

Yet when Baal asked he got a different answer of; 'record keeping'. What they would need that for Chuck didn't know but Morax always had a plan and a reason so the trio just contented themselves with Morax's new hobby.

When Chuck knocked on the library door, Morax called out with a "come in!" and so the two best friends enter and the door closes behind them.


Morax looked at the two of them silently after Chuck made his proposal and Baal just had a hand on his hip.

"I don't see why not. Besides, Baal could use someone to share the workload." Morax stated finally after an hour of silence. "It will take a while though for the new god to be created however. So I implore the both of you to be patient."

Baal couldn't believe his ears.

Morax...was going to make a younger sibling for him. Morax was going to create a little brother or sister. He was going to be a big brother, he-

Chuck elbows him in the side to bring him out of his thoughts and the thunder god grins brightly, his eyes sparkling. The huge grin hurt but it was a good hurt. It was a happy hurt. "I'm going to be a big brother."

Golden eyes held such soul deep affection as he stared at the duo, a small smile on his face. "Yes. In a few days you will be an older brother Baal." The God Above All felt like this was a good decision that he had agreed to. He knew Baal would be a good older sibling and would take care of the new god just fine.

There wasn't anything to worry about.


Morax was surprised by how tiring this was. The thunder god was tiring but this was ridiculous! 

"I can tell you're going to be a handful, young one." Morax said softly as he continued to mold the flames into the body he had made. The words were spoken with affection and he knew, he just had this feeling, that this being would be such a spitfire. A fun personality for sure that Baal will love. The god thought as he poured the last of the flames into the body and he sat down heavily onto the 'ground'.

He never allowed anyone to join him for this, he didn't want his siblings to see him weak after creating a new god. After all, it did use some of his own life-force to do this deed. He was still learning how much and how little he could get away with using when it came to this...

But every time he did this, he felt his soul wavering just a little.

It was worth it though as he stood back up to continue his work. Al he had left was to sever a part of himself and add it to this new being so they would wake up. Pulling out his essence, Morax cut a piece of it off and put the bigger part back and let his smaller piece go to the body and through the mouth, the whole body glowing before it slowly dimmed before disappearing completely.

I'm going to need a long break after this. The god thought tiredly before he noticed that the other was waking up so he stepped forward so that he filled their vision when the eyes opened.

Blue eyes, so bright and crystal clear full of so much intelligence looked up at him. Ashy blonde hair fell over his face and around his neck, thick and soft just like Baal's.

 Ashy blonde hair fell over his face and around his neck, thick and soft just like Baal's

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"Hello, I am Morax, your creator. You are my God of Flames. Tell me, what's your name?" Morax spoke softly and reaches out, running his fingers through his new gods' hair in a comforting gesture as the other stared up at him and replied; "I'm Krei."

"Krei hm? Is that the name you truly wish to be known as?" Morax asked as he lowered his hand. Krei nods his head and the taller god smiles a bit at this. "Come, let's introduce you to your older brother and my family." Krei looked interested as he followed Morax out and was greeted with Chuck, Baal and Amara waiting outside.

Krei locked eyes with the thunder god and the fire god knew there was a connection. Baal was his older brother, a piece of himself - he didn't know how he knew this, having just woken up for the first time just minutes ago - that he gravitated towards as he let his feet carry him over to the other god and the darker skinned male just looked so happy to see him Krei couldn't help but smile back just as happily.

The god of thunder quickly pulled the god of flames into a tight hug and nuzzled the side of his face, Krei hugs him back almost instantly. "Welcome home little brother."

"It's good to be here elder brother."

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