Burnt Out Flame

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It was all his fault. Because he was born corrupted - a mistake on Chuck's end. A man so full of sin, so full of cruelty and madness. Full of a twisted sickness that he infected everything and everyone he meets. 

So obsessed with Alatus the man would do anything to have him.

It made the god of the inferno sick to his stomach. He won't let it stand. 

He can not stand by and watch Yahweh ruin everything just to get to Alatus, his dear little brother. 

Fury coiled hot and tight in Krei's gut

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Fury coiled hot and tight in Krei's gut. It burned him both physically and metaphorically, a pain that fueled his anger and burned so bright yet so dark it was black.

A flame so fueled by hate and despair, not a trace of love could touch it for it would just burn. Would fuel the black hellish flames as Krei tore down forests and mountains looking for Yahweh, uncaring of those he caused fear to, ignoring how disappointed Morax would be in him. But this was to protect. To save, to serve. 

He found Yahweh and Krei wasted no time in producing more of the hellflame to corner that rat. That parasite Morax allowed to live. That stain who took away Barbatos and Baal - who hunted them down like animals, like sport. Krei will have his vengeance. 

The God of Fire, Hellflame in human form birthed from deep space, was so incredibly angry as he began combat with Yahweh; giving it his absolute all to try and take down this monster who has been allowed to roam free. 

His own eyes, from how much burning hatred he had inside him. 

The fight went on for hours, how many he didn't know. Only that the sun passed overhead three times as he struck at Yahweh. The ringing in his ears, the whispers of madness licking at his heels like hounds of death were nonstop - drowning out everything around him, not hearing words or breaths, so focused on Yahweh he was even as exhaustion was starting to take hold.

Krei hated this man.

Hated him so much he knew his eyes were bleeding but long ago stopped caring as burning flaming eyes glared with menace at the black haired mistake of a god.

Hated him so much he knew his eyes were bleeding but long ago stopped caring as burning flaming eyes glared with menace at the black haired mistake of a god

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Most of Krei's face was a dark ash color, black cracks all along his face like cracks in stone. They had long since stopped bleeding and smudges of dirt and blood stained his face as he roared in fury, flaming burning darker, larger and more destructive as he broke the earth and changed the landscape. The fury of a god was truly like nothing else anyone could ever see.

Especially when all limitations and feelings are eroded and no longer holding that god back. Fire rained down on Yahweh, bright balls of molten red like raining dragon fire. Calamity itself.

For a whole week they fought before Yahweh stabbed him through the heart, hand going out through his back, heart held tightly in the clawed bloodied hand before it was yanked back out through his chest and Krei spat up blood, not even being able to scream or cough as he crumbled to the ground, Yahweh turning and walking away.

Rain gently came down, cleansing Krei's face of blood as he stared out into the ruined land he and Yahweh had created. Tears slowly came down his face as his vision slowly began to go black.

He hoped...

Oh how he hoped to see his brothers again wherever they were in death...

How he missed them so much...

Krei let his eyes close as he let death take hold...

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