The Fall of Thunder

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Alatus didn't know why he was feeling off, it felt like any other normal day.

It was making him uneasy, thus it was making the waters he was currently controlling uneasy. Wavering. The water he was standing on shuttered and rippled, it was strange. He's never lost control before and it felt like it was slipping as electricity sparked in his veins. This caused him to frown and relinquish control over the waters of the ocean as he formed a cloud under his feet and used it to lift himself up and up and up until he was above the natural cloud line of Nibelheim where he sat down cross-legged on his white cloud and closed his eyes to meditate.

Why am I feeling so uneasy?

Why do I have the feeling of electricity in me? Wasn't that big brother Baal's domain?

His brows furrowed further, almost painfully as the muscles clenched, body tensing as the electrical current jolted his arms and Alatus crosses his arms over his chest, the muscles were aching and so tense from the current - the need to release but he held back and soon the feeling faded, leaving his muscles slightly spastic.

He'll have to go talk to Morax, this was ridiculous - maybe Baal decided to share his power or did Morax decide without telling anyone to switch powers?

If that's the case then I wouldn't be able to control my domain, my water. The bright eyed god thought as he opens his eyes. With that thought, he let the cloud drop down to below the natural cloud line and with a flurry of wind and water he disappeared and reappeared in a new location, inside the palace now where Morax usually was.

He wasn't there.

Alatus frowned.

Maybe he's with big brother Baal? He thought as his eyes scanned the room. The god of water was confused, the god was almost always here nowadays since the creation of the other gods that Chuck made. I might have better luck asking Baal about why I have his powers now.

Again, with a flurry of wind and water he was gone, leaving not even a few drops of water in his departure.

"Baal!" Alatus shouted as he touched down on the messy thick grass of Baal's self-proclaimed domain. "Baal, where are you? I have a question!" Alatus cupped a hand near his mouth as he called out for his oldest brother. He'd ask Krei or Chuck, hell he'd even ask Amara, but he doubted that they would know - well okay, maybe Amara would know though it would be better to go to the next best source for his questions. Amara being number 3 on that short list of those who might be able to answer just why he had thunder in his veins now.

"Baal if you're making out with Amara again I'm telling our creator you're slacking again!" Alatus threatened, searching all over the domain.

That sense of wrong wrong WRONG just got stronger the more the ventured further. The further he walked, walked and walked. When he spotted silver liquid that gleaned like an opal and was clearly thicker than blood smeared on a tree it felt like a boulder settled in his stomach, leaving his mind reeling. Baal's blood. Everything felt frozen.

Why would big brother Baal's blood be smeared all over that tree? With closer inspection he saw more of it in other places and Alatus' throat felt so tight it burned like he threw up the acid in his stomach. "Baal!?" The god of water shouted, this time sounding more alarmed as he followed the blood - fresh, his mind screamed. All fresh...

"Baal please!" Please let it be a joke. Let it all be just some big bad joke that they could laugh about in a hundred years over a bottle of good wine while watching the lanterns.

The short and slim god skidded to a halt as he saw dark navy hair and his eyes locked onto the limp hand first.

Slowly, reluctantly, he trailed his eyes slowly so slowly over the body. Clothes stained with blood both his and not, with dirt and singed. Torn and it was wrong. "Baal...?" Alatus asked, voice sounding hoarse like he had been screaming bloody murder for days on end. Yet it was also barely above a whisper, choked as his eyes finally landed on his big brothers' face.

His knees shook as he dropped. 

Baal wasn't breathing. Wasn't moving. He looked so cold.

"BAAL!" Alatus screamed and he crawled forward, scrambled really as his hands tore the ground in his desperation to get to the motionless body of Baal, the beautiful dark skinned god who spent his whole immortal life chasing after Amara to get her to love him - to just notice him. "Baal! Wake up!" The water god screamed again as he grabbed onto the cold still body. He couldn't feel the tears streaming down his face, expression twisted into one of horror as he screamed and cried, burying his face into that tanned unmoving chest. 

Electricity sparked over his body.

And now it made sense.

Because Baal, the god of thunder, lord of storms, had perished. And it had all went to Alatus, the one who was closest in element to thunder. 

Alatus didn't care how long he had been there. He just spend hours upon hours just screaming and crying, clinging onto the body that used to be so full of love and life. 

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