A More Tender Vision

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The flames were more clear this time, more definition and details could be seen more clearly and Krei was confused by what in the actual fuck is this person wearing? The god of the inferno has never seen something so hideously plain in all his life, so used to Nibelheim's facy dressing style and intricate architecture. The buildings were tall but they too were plain like a patch of grass. Krei felt his legs moving, feet carrying him so he was walking next to this figure of six wings, shorter than the last one and the god knew they were both different people - he didn't know how he knew, he's never seen them standing side by side but somehow he just did

Again his heart does that funny little thing and the god violently stomps down on that feeling, disgusted with himself for feeling this stupid little emotion for someone he has never met and will never meet.

Every time he got these kinder visions his heart ached, longed for these moments to last longer. Krei didn't desire anything - he couldn't muster up the feelings to really care - but this? He desired for these peaceful moments, that reminded him so much of before he had his first trip through the veil that horrible afternoon. These moments were fun, watching figures accomplish things, to stand above the rest after trial and error.

So perfectly imperfect. 

Krei reaches out and touches the flaming figures' cheek without realizing he did so and he closes his eyes, a part of him wishing that this was more than fire. More than just his subconscious. He withdraws his hand as he felt himself being drawn out...


Krei was watching the mortals around him apathetically, the lantern festival was in full swing yet he couldn't care less. He wasn't even that old yet he felt like he was ages old. Barbatos flies up to him with a cheeky grin and pokes him in the cheek. "Krei! Come on let's go play!" The ever youthful god of winds exclaimed as he waved his arms about before he quickly places a hand on his head to keep his hat from falling off.

Once upon a time the god of fire would have smiled, would have taken the hat in jest and ruffle that soft black hair that faded to teal.

Now he just couldn't be bothered to muster up even a small smile. Not today. Not while his heart yearned for those figures he had seen that wore clothes so hideously plain. "Not today, little brother. Why don't you find Baal or the twins? I'm sure they wouldn't mind playing with you." Krei replied, turning his head slightly to look up just the tiniest a bit at his brother. Barbatos pouts at this and crosses his arms. "Aww but you never want to do anything anymore besides your job! I miss playing with you..." The god of wind looked like a kicked puppy and once upon a time Krei would have felt bad...

He sighs.

"Alright, where did you want to play?" He asks, turning more to face his brother who was now beaming at him.

"Let's go race!" Barbatos exclaimed with an excited grin and Krei, despite not being in the mood for such a strenuous activity, agrees anyway because maybe...maybe there was some guilt there in his heart. "We can go racing. How do you propose we do such a thing?" The ashy blonde god asked, not having moved an inch. "Let's use our powers!"

Barbatos knew that the fire god didn't like using powers in such a way - for play of all things yet the small wind god was asking anyway? He must really want to spend time with me. Right sky blue eyes looked away from the intense bluish green eyes belonging to his little brother. "You know how I feel about that, little brother." Krei huffed out, feeling his fingers twitch slightly but his youngest brother only laughs at this and wraps an arm around the older god. "I know, but still! it'll be fun, you'll see! You need to lighten up anyway~"

The god of fire's lips thinned but in the end he relents and allows Barbatos to drag him off, the younger of the two excitedly telling him about this desert that he found that would be perfect since no one will get hurt from Krei's fire.

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