Rage of a God

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His eyes couldn't believe it. His mind couldn't process it as he stared at the body.

It felt like time was standing still as he stood frozen, winds lashing out at his body, clouds dark and threatening to spill all that it was as thunder boomed and cracked loud and clear, flashing and lighting up the broken landscape around the god standing on a battlefield.

Morax's chest felt tight, like a child squeezing a stuffed animal and unrelenting. He couldn't breathe. Thoughts eluded him as red stood out against the bare earth.


With violently shaking hands Morax reached out, falling heavily onto his knees beside his downed general. Uncaring of the mud and blood on himself, his unkept hair was matted with blood and grime, his shaking hands gripped onto Alatus's shirt, twisting the dirty stained fabric.

Unblinking golden amber eyes were glowing like fire in the darkness as rain began to be dumped by the bucket load like it was crying alongside him. But he couldn't feel any tears, just a pure numbing cold. Yet a fire he had grown accustomed to was burning so hot and bright, so all consuming it hurt. The fire within was so incredibly painful as he let out a roar of anguish, throat raw from how loud the scream was as he threw his head back. Even still no air could get into his lungs as he continued to scream, rain hitting his pale face as Morax's powers unleashed.

Lashing out at the ground, the earth beneath him and the cold still body of Alatus cracked and split, winds howling even more as the clouds above began to spiral violently and fast, the rain like harsh whips against exposed flesh but he didn't care. 

It was a burning fury. Hatred so dark love had no room, all of it burnt out the day Baal was murdered. Fury boiled beneath his skin, almost literally as his markings burned and flamed, his clothes and hair billowing around him as he continued to scream. It hurt...it hurt so bad. He was all alone.

Morax had no one left as he pitched forward and buried his face into Alatus' unmoving stiff chest, his screams louder than the catastrophic storm he was causing as he lifted he body slightly and wrapped his arms so tightly around it, burying his face into that smaller chest as he shook violently from pain and rage. 

They would pay.

Ever. Single. One of them.

None will be alive to see another day, to see the sun shine as he kept holding tight to the last thing he had ever loved. To the last part of what had remained and with a howl from deep within, golden thunder cracked from the skies as he slowly - oh so slowly stood up, holding the body close, refusing to let go of the last thing he loved. Even if the boy was no longer with him, he will not subject Alatus to what was to come.

Slowly he lifted into the air, golden flames surrounding his feet in a rotating motion lifting him higher, higher still as his eyes so full of rage, so full of pain and yet so empty locked onto those who had dared to betray him.

Who dared to take their loves for granted and who took everything away from him. With sharp teeth bared in a display of hatred, the clouds parted and a blood red sky was shown, clouds black and still rotating violently as distantly in the ruined landscape of Nibelheim hurricanes so strong ravaged the wastelands, breaking the ground and throwing it like it was nothing. In the sky was a large gold and black meteor descending down upon those below - allies and enemies alike he no longer cared. 

Friend or foe, they were all guilty. Innocent or guilty, they no longer deserved his mercy.

Mercy had long since fled him, leaving behind nothing but a cold apathy. Golden eyes stared coldly at the beings who were trying to either flee or bring forth their powers to stop his impending meteor that will wipe them all out. The light and heat coming from it ominous as he cradled Alatus' body close to his chest.

No more...

He will let them live no more as wings black as the deepest part of space unfurled from his back, flaming golden and hot like a thousand suns. Morax looked nothing like the benevolent god mortals knew him as, he looked like a monster. Morax's eyes still unblinking even as those who called themselves gods and goddesses burned in the wake of his pain.




Ventus and Ying...


All of them were gone.

But Morax, the God of Gods, would avenge them. These pitiful wastes of the life he had given will pay. Suffer for all eternity in the depths of death as its' cold embrace grabbed them by the throats and dragged them down with jaws dripping poison.

They were all a poison on this land. This world was nothing but poison, no love left in it - cursed by Morax to never know peace again from how deep his hatred of everything went.

After all...

Mercy was useless. Mercy got everyone he loved killed. No more. If he has to, he will restart the universe, cleanse it of all this filth that leeched from him and betrayed him.

A tear slipped down Morax's face, just one as it was the last of his love. It crystalized as it fell off his cheek and embedded itself into the earth.

...one last show that he used to have a heart...

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