Gang 🤗

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In this journey of life, Each one of us will cross through the paths called Friendship and love....
Which will play a key role in shaping us as a person....
Some of those friendship may last till our childhood....
Some may Even last till our college days....
While Some may even last until our breath....

May 1990                                                            

Akira, Arjin, Dev, jaden, fourth are the best gang in their school,They all are equally talented and funny in their own ways and not to mention they are the bestest buddies to each other.. Their school days passed in a flick of a moment.Without even them noticing the time. .

It's their farewell day celebration in school, from tomorrow everything will change....Everyone will have their own life, and worriers. This is the last day of them called as a Gang together. With this thoughts in mind, The gang sat under The Neem tree at their school ground in Silence...

Dev: Is this the last day for all of us to spend time together like this ?? Are we never going to meet each other again??

Jaden : Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! 😭😭

*jaden's Dramatic scream made them all collectively to close their ears*Save their ear drums🥺🥺*

Fourth: Guys... 🥺 I wanna say sorry for the times, I irritated you.. I just did it for fun. Who did thought we will part away like this *said forth with tears pooled in his eyes🥺*

Jaden : Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! 😭😭. . Gu.. Guys.. (hiccups) .. Di... Did.. U.. uu.. all... a.. ate🥺🥺??

Arjin, Dev, Akira :😳🧐🤨

Fourth: I swear Jaden... Stop Thinking about eating Or I will kill you with my own hands.. Just shut it... 😠

Arjin: Offoo!! Guys just stop !! you are talking like we are stepping in squid game Or something.....

Jaden : G..Guys.. I.. I.. Lo... Love.. A.. All.. O.. F..... Uuuuuuu😭😭😭😭

Akira : Jaden don't make it more dramatic than it already is. And all of you stop saying this is our last day as gang Or something.. We are going to be together as long as we can.. And I will make sure of that..

Dev : But in reality it isn't possible you know right... So many best friends have parted ways.. Even my own brothers as well..

Arjin : Yah making promises to stay together is easy.. But it is practically not possible.

Akira : Well we can make that possible.. All I need is all of you guys support.. We have that strong relation among us, This is what will make it possible.
I will make schedule for us to meet together from time to time.. Until we grow old together... So will all of you be with me in this? ?

*This idea and word from their friend made all of them to smile together*

*Akira Extended his hand forward followed by others*

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