A Chance☺

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* Next day morning bright and his friends are seriously thinking about the way to approach Arwin, Then Boss suggested his idea.. *

Boss : Bright we kinda messed up with Arwin  yesterday, So how about we try our luck with  his little bro first...

Bright : Are you suggesting me to love Arhith, Now... Idiot.. * He smacked boss*

Boss : Ahhh... That's not bright, We will first try to make friends with Arhith, If he gets a good impression on us, Then may be Arwin will also see us in a good way..

* Bright felt  this idea wasn't that bad, So all of them collectively went to Arhith who was busy playing  cricket 🏏 with his friends... *

Bright ; Hlo, Arhith.. How are you doing?
* He showed his teeth in a full smile *

* Arhith raised his eyebrow, Aren't these guys the same people who ignored him, When he tried to introduce himself yesterday *

Arhith : I'm good... * He continued to play his game only to be interrupted by other person*

Man : Ahh.. Arhith, You seem so good at cricket, Like even Cristiano Ronaldo can feel threatened by your skills, You know..

* Arhith huffed a sigh, Seem like these guys want something from him.. *

Arhith : First of all Ronaldo is a football player, And second of all stop showing this sudden interest in me, And tell me what do you want..

Man : No, Arhith actually we want to be friends with you, Shall we play a game together, So that we can build a relationship... * Man winked in a friendly manner, But unintentionally he even licked his lips, Which made Arhith eyes widen*

Arhith : Wtf asshole, Who do you think you are, How dare you flirt with me?

Man : No Arhith you got me wrong, I mean we will build a relationship like this....
* Man was basically terrible with words, So to make Arhith understand his feelings, He gestured his hands weirdly👐🤏 *
  This will make you happy as well, We all  can try this together, I promise you our relationship will be so fun...

* Bright, Boss , Phuak, prem ran away from the scene when they saw Man's gestures and Arhith face was fuming with angry, but still Man was adamantly explaining this with weird gestures... *

Man : See Arhith, Entertainment cannot be achieved in one way, We need to work together👌🤝, * Before he could explain more, Arhith chased him with a bat, screaming on top of his lungs*

Arhith : Perveted Bastard , I WILL BREAK YOUR LEGS TODAY!!!

* Bright has no hopes on his friends, Oh my god, Them and their terrible ideas, He himself decided to find a way to talk with Arwin.. He was searching for him, And he saw that Arwin was watching a football match in his room, Bright was pissed of, Arwin came all the way from Switzerland to watch TV, He can come out right .... He then decided to do something which he was experienced at... *

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