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* While our Dear band mates are working  whole day singing songs on streets and collecting money, Bright was keeping all his focus on Arwin, Neither of bright's friends Never questioned him, Cause they believed that Bright was in search for a sponsor for their Gigs, only if they knew the truth.... *

* But Arwin was totally irritated to find bright on his way to any place more than irritation he was scared cause bright knows how to read faces, And Arwin is a person who was born to be naughty and can't stay still without making a different kind of havoc every single day, And as far as Arwin noticed,bright literally told each and every havoc  Arwin created on a particular day by just looking at his face for a mere seconds... *

* So from that point onwards when ever Bright came in front of him or if he see him anywhere , Arwin quickly started covering his face with a mask or scarf , Inorder to escape from bright face reading skills....cause that idiot will blackmail and expose him,if he knew....He only used to cover his face if he did a naughty thing on that particular day.....Otherwise he would mock bright by showing his face to tell him what he did wrong, Bright obviously found his Arwin cute.... *

* But deep inside Arwin's anger towards bright was increasing, So once when bright was walking, Arwin secretly hit him with a small stone hiding behind a tree...but unfortunately he was caught by bright, Luckily Arwin ran away from there on time..*

* But next day when Arwin was going to his shop, Bright showed up before him with a smug look and held an even more Big stone than the one that Arwin used on him, That day Arwin ran for his life across streets of switzerland while bright ran behind him with a big stone pretending to hit Arwin... *

* Bright laughed like a crazy person, when he saw how scared Arwin was when he thought bright would hit him with the stone, No matter in any other Dimensional world ,Bright would never do that to his beloved....It was just a tease.... And his bunny was too innocent to understand that it was just a tease... *

* And bright was also very cautious to not to get caught by his dear friends on the streets when he was following Arwin, If his friends saw him with Arwin he was doomed for sure... In that way their banter of Arwin hating bright....and bright loving Arwin....was going on and on....*

*One day Arwin was walking on the streets and he noticed bright sitting on a bench....Then Arwin realized that he didn't do anything naughty that day, So bright can't read anything on his face....right.... So he thought to tease bright a little.... He went near bright who was sitting and listening to music... And Arwin gave bright a smug look and sticked his tongue out in a mocking manner while flipping his non existing hair and walked away while still looking at bright  sticking his tongue out....Bright wouldn't let go his naughty bunny easily... So he held Arwin's hand and screamed in the middle of a street using his high pitch voice... *


* Now the whole street was looking at Arwin and to his luck a police officer also listened to this, He ran towards bright.... *

Policeofficer : WHAT???? FORCEFUL KISSING.... Who kissed who?? AND STEALING..... who stole what???

* police officer asked looking at bright, While bright was still looking at Arwin, While Arwin was moving his hands in a signal of That's not the police officer which inreturn gained more suspiciousness on him*

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