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Man : Bright how many times we have to ask you, And you are still sitting silently.. What is that story bright??

* Bright stood abruptly while facing all his friends *

Bright : Yah.... You are right that's was all just a story, . Cause, cause guys that Daniel fellow didn't even leave any  other option for me.... He kept gun at point blank range on each one of you, And was continuously forcing me to marry his daughter, When I already clearly told him, I don't love her....

* That's why I came up with this idea of, Us going to Switzerland and Me meeting Arwin and falling in love with him.... *

Boss : Wow... Bright you are so talented,You fabricated all of that story just in an instant, You have immense talent man...

Bright : * In a sad tone..*  It's not just a Fabrication that I did there boss, It's the love that I have for Arwin, And the days I have waited for him, Made me tell a Tale of love story of us ....

Phuak : But bright why did you choose to tell him a story??

Bright : That's cause, I'm about see Arwin after almost 15 years of waiting, He is coming from Switzerland to Chiang mai, For our parents get together.... And you know what, He will only stay here for just 10days, I don't know how he has changed now, I only have a  limited time to make him fall for me, So in this limited time, I don't want to have any violence from Daniel , That's why I told this story....

Prem : But bright what if Daniel knows, you lied to him, He will not spare you or your family, You know he is a Mafia right...

Bright : I know... I just want sometime, I don't want to waste my time now, My focus is only on Arwin, I need to express my love to him... And coming to What if Daniel knows, Who will actually tell him, Mom and Dad already went to chiang mai, And we are going there tonight... So there is no chance of him knowing...

*While bright was explaining all this so seriously.. He heard some soft sniffles, He turned around to see it was from Man, Man was crying... *

Bright : Man, What happened why are you crying.. Was my story that Emotional?

Man : Emotional?? I almost bawled my eyes out, When Arwin got into accident, Even though I was confused why.....

Boss : You are Much better,  I thought I might got a short term memory loss, Cause I don't ever remember we going to Switzerland...

Bright : Awww....My innocent idiots.It's just you know, I thought to make things Emotional, And Accident happening to One of the Main lead , Is always a cherry on the cake in all the love stories I watched..... So I thought why not just use it....

Man : Your story telling skills, Made me look like a Cruel friend, You said that I made you do a  promise..Everyone thought that I'm a bad boy... Huhuuuu😭, When did I ever did that you idiot... I always backed you up all your life, You made people curse me....When in reality I'm as innocent as a fox.. Huhuu😭

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