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These are a few characters that bright used for his story.... Which are different from there actual personalities...

Akira :

Reality : Bright's father ( Bright and Akira love each other too much, More than a father and son, They are like best friends)

Story : Bright's father

Arjin :

Reality  : Arwin's father... ( As bright is not so fond of him , He didn't include him in his story)

Dev :

Reality : Emma's father, And Akira's friend.

Story : Bright's Switzerland music sponsor.

Fourth :

Reality  : Akira's friend and He owns a Bar and Wine shop

Story : He was Church father..

Jaden :

Reality : Akira's friend

Story : He was assistant to music sponsor...

Arwin :

Bright made Arwin in his story all sweet and cute and as a person who fights for chocolates.... But in reality is he like that?. Even bright don't know... Let me give a tip, Arwin is not at all innocent, He is very sassy..

Arhith :

Reality : Naughty and kinda a Teaser, It is easy to handle Arwin than Arhith...

Story : Arhith was a good and obedient brother...

Bright :

He protrayed himself in the story almost the same as his real personality

( New characters)

( New characters)

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He is well settled and Talented young man..
( He loves Arwin and Wants to marry him)

 ( He loves Arwin and Wants to marry him)

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He is Arjin's father,Arwin's Grandpa and Guardian of Akira..
( But he stopped talking with Arjin cause he married without ken's approval and Arwin don't like his Grandpa that much cause he never cared about Arwin's family)


Guys this is not a part of our story, But wanted to share this beautiful Art with you, This is made by lshijo14, Onee-san, Is very talented in everything..These are Digital Arts of her story "Something Immortal"
( Which is my favorite fantasy thriller😘😘)

( Don't forget to give her credits,If you use it)

Yup I love the art😍😍

                " Fire bird : The Phoenix"

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                " Fire bird : The Phoenix"

                    " Dragon : The God Naga "

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                    " Dragon : The God Naga "

     " Next update for my story is tomorrow❤"

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