The kiss😘

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* Arwin was spending past two hours in his floral shop, But his mind was totally filled with curiosity about his brother's date today, He still can't digest the fact that Arhith got a date, When Arwin himself is struggling to find a lover, His body is itching to know about the girl who accepted his brother and also he wants to see how Arhith will impress her....*

*So He asked Marie to manage the shop and told her that he will go the Mall to buy some clothes,But he was totally unaware, that a handsome man with bow shaped lips is following him all the way from his shop to the Mall... *

* And within 20 minutes walk Arwin reached the mall, With the desire to know about his brother's date....More than desire Arwin was concentrated to find more reasons to annoy his brother, He even brought a camera to click pictures of his brother and his date.....Arwin loves his brother very much, But that doesn't mean he can't make fun of him right.,No matter how much they care for each other, But at the end of the day Siblings are Siblings... *

*He entered the mall and went to first floor, He thought usually dates in Malls meant 1st shopping and 2nd Going to restaurant.. So without a doubt he entered into the Dress store, And his hunch was right, There were the love birds he was targeting.... He stood a bit away from them and listened to the conversation... *

Arhith : Sreya I think this pink frock suits you so much , And pink is your favourite colour right....You will look like a princess in it...

Sreya : Arhith it's Hot know it will not suit my skin tone, It overshadows my vibe......And thanks for recalling me about pink,I totally forgot.....Well I already have 4 dresses in bubblegum and baby pink,So I can't buy that colour...And pale pink is totally not my type... And I can't even think about barbie pink, Hahaha it's too cozy.... Well French pink and Pink flamingo are too rare, So I can't choose them cause they will make me feel alienated from others..... I hadn't had any dress in Salmon pink....So Will you help me finding a dress in salmon pink please Arhith.....

* Arhith and Arwin's expressions replicated the emoji's 😳😐.....fuck they only know about pink but hadn't had a single clue of all this distant cousins of pink in all these years of their life on earth...... *

* Arhith gulped the saliva in his throat, What on the earth is Salmon pink, In his life he always believed salmon was a fish 😭😭,But didn't know it has separate colour,So he closed his eyes and remembered salmon and started to search for similar colour like a hunter , He prayed to God in his mind, That's this is what his date meant.... *

Arwin : No way I'm going to see to colour hunting game, Good luck my bro * He muttered under his breath and silently slipped away from the dress store and went to a near by cafeteria *

* While bright who followed him,was searching for him all over the mall, Found Arwin in a cafeteria and He sat at the corner table So that Arwin won't notice him... *

*Arwin ordered a Frappuccino and was going through a journal when his ears caught a old couple's discussion who are beside his table...*

Grandpa : Baby, Please can you give me a kiss right, Today is our marriage day why are you so moody...

Grandma : I don't want to talk with you old man , You didn't brought me my favorite necklace

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