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*Arwin was rooted to his ground after he saw who the person was, This face reading idiot again, And why is he caging me like we are in a some kind of Kdrama, I hate these chessy stuffs, But in this situation he is the one at fault, If he Screams, He will be caught, So he decided to handle this maturely... He cleared his throat.. *

Arwin : Uuummm!!!  Hello mister, Nice to meet you, Can you move side, I'm not quite comfortable...

Bright : Actually you should be thanking me, Because people here are seeing us as a romantic couple , as I reacted to your theft in this way, If I gave other reaction, Then you might have get caught....

Arwin : * He is extremely pissed now *   Come on just for two chocolates you are naming it as theft??

Bright : Arwin you know that two chocolates would have feed two innocent hungry people, You know nearly 1 billion people in the world suffer from hunger every day...

Arwin : Ok, ok, Not again same speech, I'm tired of listening this from my childhood, First get of me.. *

Bright moved back from Arwin leaving enough space between them while rising his two hands as surrender... *

Bright :  Ok, Legends says love shouldn't be forced..

* Arwin thought why love came in this topic, but anyway he shouldn't concern about it, He should first escape this Handsome face reading fellow, And he can't risk taking this chocolates with him, This guy will again make something fussy about it, He wanted to cry at the thought of leaving his favorite chocolates, But he has no option... *

* So he tried to remove them from his pocket slowly and to keep it back in the section, But before that Bright has pulled him by his hand almost near to the counter... *

Arwin : Hey leave me, I didn't put them there yet, Why are taking me towards counter..

Bright : Ain't know way you are going back and keeping them there, You will buy them, Let's go and take the bill, Shall we??

Arwin : No way Mr. Bright this is a question of my reputation now, Never in my 20 years of life, I have bought a chocolate with my own money..

Bright : Ohh you know my name  and Yes,That's what you are going do today, You are going to remember me for sure..

Arwin : See bright this is one of my life principles, Don't take advantage of me like this * Tears are pooled in Arwin's eyes, He is looking like he is about the cry the way his lips turned into a pout while saying this, Bright was nearly heart broken by this scene*

* Bright panicked and took Arwin's face in his hands

Bright : Hey.. Hey.. I was just joking okay, Don't take it seriously...

Arwin : * Pouted more and said in a cute and hurtful voice* You are blackmailing me too much for this.. Why??

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