kisses 💋

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* Everyone came back to home after the movie, Luke was upset to know that Arwin came before as he wasn't feeling good, But he should have told him right, All this plan was for him , They would have spent some alone time in home. *

* Back in the Garden area,Man, Boss, prem and phuak were seriously discussing about villian and how hot he was, Then bright came to them while holding his head in hands. *

Bright : Oh my god, This headache would kill me, Wtf, I just drank one bottle.

Man : I should have seen this coming When you told us you want to be alone. but bright Arwin also come back yesterday from the movie, Didn't you see him?

Bright : Ahhhh!!! I don't know Man, I can't even remember a thing, Ohhh my god!!! My head will burst at this rate.

* They all were chilling, Except bright crying over his headache, But his friends noticed someone coming to the home, Who would increase bright's headache more *

* They all collectively stood, With their mouth's open 😮😧 Wtf why she is here *

Bright : Guys my headache💆‍♂️, What all are you looking at , focus on me .

Man : Br- Br- Bright, I- I thin- think your actual head- headache has arrived * He suttered and pointed to the person who was coming with a smiley face *

Bright : Pam!!!! What is she doing here....

Pam : Hi!!!! Bright!!! Woww!!! I'm so happy that I got to see  you after these many days, I didn't know you were in chiang mai.

* Bright was in shock *

Bright : How did you come here? Who brought here  ?

Stella : That's me !!!! * Bright's mother stella told excitedly . *

Bright : Mommm!!!!!😐 How did you meet her in the first place?

Stella : That's a long story bright, Today I went to temple, And saw few college students there, We accidentally bumped into each other, Then we talked, she told her college name I realized it was same as yours  She is your junior right,  she also told me about  your band, That implies that you are close friends

That's why I brought her here, So she can meet you all, And you know bright we both watch the same soap opera 🥳🥳 , And I too hate the villian in that story she too hates him, We have so much in common, We discussed alot about that, And above all she is such a lovely girl 😍.

Pam : Thank you Aunty ☺

Stella : You two keep talking I will come again..

Pam : Bright, My Dad told me everything, What a great love story, You have 😍, I felt so bad after knowing what happened to Arwin.. How is he now, I can't wait to meet him🤗.

* Bright was nodding like a programmed computer until his mother came back screaming *

Stella : Pam dear, Why are you still standing outside, Come in I will introduce you to everyone, First I will take you to Arwin...

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