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Boss : But there is a problem to let you join in our group Arwin..

Arwin : Hahhhhh!! Why sir what problem?

*Prem was still poking Man to let him say about Arwin *

Man : There is a person called Bright in this music troop, Through he is not as talented as me in music, But still because of his looks, He is a important part of us, But it became a tradition that whoever joined the group within one or two months started to propose to him, So we are thinking that you will also be like all others, I meant to say you may fall for his charm and may threaten him to love you and will again start same old drama for

Arwin : *Started laughing by holding his stomach*  Sir aren't you thinking so high of your friend, He may be handsome, But in no way, I would be flattered by him... Hahahahaha!!!! This is so funny..

Man : You seem very confident Mr. Arwin, He went outside, Once you will see him than only we can decide whether you will be flattered by him or not

Arwin : Ohhhh!! Come on trust me, Then tomorrow we will meet at my flower shop, Bring that so called charming boy of yours to me *Said win while flipping his non existent hair while walking away*

Man : Wow!! He is so beautiful guys isn't he, He has the looks of the Main lead...

Prem : Not just the looks, He is the main lead you idiot..

Man : Wow Thai actors in Switzerland.. I did not expect that...

*Prem smacked Man's head *

Prem : He is the boy,That bright saw today morning and left to chase him, And we didn't even go to check the venue..

Boss : Without knowing who is Arwin, Bright ran aimlessly to find him, Now this idiot Man has directly brought him in our troop,Now bright will completely focus on his love story, Instead of our opening act....We are doomed guys, That sponsor Denver will kill us, If we fucked up our performance and not to mention the luxurious hotel we are using by spending his money , Prem , I already can Imagine myself  in jail 😭😭..

Phuak : Now this is all your mistake Man, You made bright line clear to express his flirting skills..

Man : Oyyyyyyee... Why all of you are ganging upon me.. And Prem why are you saying it now.. You should have said before I gave him a word to join to troop..

Prem : I was poking you like a drunken mosquito from the starting itself, You got mesmerized by his beauty and gave him a word..


oss : 😭 guysss our performance is doomed..

Man : Ohh shut up boss, Ok I am the one who started this problem , So I will solve it, Bright will never be distracted and I will make sure of that..

*Man, Boss, Prem, phuak went to search for bright and found him sitting on a bench staring at the sky.. *

Man : Ahhhm!! * He cleared his throat to get bright attention but bright saw him and returned himself back to star gazing*

*Man slowly sat beside bright and asked*

Man : Tell me who is the person that caught your heart..

Bright : *Surprisingly blinked his eyes*      Ho.. How.. Did you guessed it, That there is someone??

Man : You are looking at sky like a beggar, Any idiot can guess by that facial expressions...

Bright : *Shyly nodded* Yess.. Man I met him today, you know he looked like an Angel, So beautiful, My heart just became his the moment I saw him.... * Said bright dreamely*

Boss : Bright,Every boys and girls in Switzerland will look like that only , Don't take that boy too seriously and how can you even find him in this big city, There no way you will meet him again, So just forget about him and let's go to some bar and meet with some chicks bro, I bet after that you will definitely forget about that boy..

Bright : If you guys see him, Then you will not talk like this, He is just.. Just.. So mesmerizing..

Prem : So what do you want to say, That this boy is so special and beautiful, That no one can beat his charm..

Bright  : For sure, Even you guys will become jealous of me..

Man : You know bright today a person came to us and asked us whether he can join in our group or not, And I bet my whole experience that If once you see him, You definitely fall in love, He looks like whole Damn meal, That you will forget about your beautiful boy in an instant..

Bright : Hahahaah!!! Me.. Falling.. In love.. Do you think That I will go and say I love you, to everyone person that I see, And No way...I have already found my darling, So other beauty no matter any Miss international will not be able to impress me, Cause I don't want to be Impressed anymore * He started to giggle himself again while looking at sky*

Man  : Ok.. Then....You are so confident, So let's, make a bet that after seeing the boy that about to join our band, you shouldn't propose him at any cost.. Are you ready for this..

Bright : That's very easy, I won't fall for him.. And Yes I will not propose him at any cost....

Phuak : No empty promises bright..He pulled bright's purse which has his father Akira's photo, Make a promise on your father, That you will not propose..

Bright : Ohhh... My daddy.. My Sweet daddy... Ok guys I'm promising on my world's most favorite person.. That I will not propose  the so called about to brlead singer guy....

*He kept his hands on his father's photo and promised just then back in Bangkok at Akira's house suddenly a glass broke.. His mother  laughed saying may be bright  must have remembered them.. *

*While bright promise assured his band members to an extent that bright will not go after Arwin and will focus on what they came to Switzerland for *

To be continued.....


- with love                                                            

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