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Characters : ( This characters are already mentioned in the story but I haven't given a intro about them, So this little intro of them...)

Stella - Bright's mom

Emma - Dev's daughter ( But both bright and Emma have so much siblings energy)

Marie - Arwin's friend ( She helps Arwin in floral shop)

Arhith - Arwin's brother ( 14 year old)

Denver - Event manager (Bright and his friends music act in Switzerland)

Jackson - Denver's assistant...

Daniel - pam's father ( A powerful and cruel mafia)

( Yup as of now.. These are the one, In future we will add more😁 )

Continuation .......

*That night Arwin slept happily after teaching that Bright an apt lesson 😏... *

*Next day Arwin woke up to a Thunderous sound in his home, It sounded like , The ground is shaking ,His bed was shaking ,what is this ??? Was today his last day on earth ???As this thoughts began in his mind, He panicked and immediately closed his eyes Screamed until, neighbours ears bleed... *

Arwin : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Earthquake!!!!!! Earthquake!!!!!!!!! END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

*Arhith who was in the other room jumping in and out like a little hippo, got startled from his brother scream and came to Arwin's room.. *

Arwin : EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! TSUNAMI!!!!!!!! MY CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!! JUNGKOOKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! MARRY ME!!!!!!

* He was still screaming while closing his eyes and ears, Arwin screaming was no less than a possessed monkey's scream,Arhith close his own ears tightly and fastly ran towards his brother and shook him like a mixy grinder.... *

Arhith: Arwin wake up man,what's wrong, What marriage?? And there no earthquake in here....

Arwin : Nooooo!!!!!!!! EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!

* His next door neighbours heard this scream, And then the neighbour himself started screaming *

Neighbour 1 : EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!

Neighbour 2 : Whatttt!!!! Earthquake but when, Ok anyway, Everyone get out,There is EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neighbour 3 : Wake up baby.. There is an earthquake we need to get outside *She made her husband and son to wakeup and ran out of her house *

Whole neighborhood( Without any reason) : EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!

* All of them started running out of their houses, Even Arhith thought like there was an earthquake that's why everyone are screaming...
So he and Arwin also came outside... *

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