First meet🤗

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Next day

At the villa in chiang mai

The house replicated a festive atmosphere, With kids playing in the Garden area, While some adults were chit chatting remembering their good old college days, All our gang members were wearing youthful dresses, Though they were currently in their 40's the atmosphere they are in, is making them feel so youthful, To say in simple words, They all are dead serious about enjoying these 10 days to the fullest , Before they go back to their respective busy lives..

Emma : Dad will you come in or not ? we have lot of work to do..You have been standing in the garden from past 40 minutes, While staring at the house...

Dev : You know my dear child..After so many years, I'm seeing all my close friends and their families together, That too ,This is happening for the first time in our villa, You know how much I love this house right, This is the only thing I have as a reminder of your mom..

Emma : Dad you are so emotional just For a house .Come on Dad ,Uncle Akira is looking for you...

Dev : Ok.. Ok.. I'm coming..

* While the whole Mansion is filled with smiles and Enjoyment, There was bright who sat on the bench with a sullen mood accompanied by Man and Boss, They were Observing all people in the house who are immersed in their own works.. *

* Fourth ( Akira's friend) was seriously talking in the mobile about his wine shop business... *

Fourth : What do you mean by there is no stock,Can't you even handle this small issues... You must look after the shop until I come back..

Man : Wahh.. Bright in your story he was church father, But in reality a wine shop owner, His character is unique.. * Bright nodded in Agreement *

* Then phuak and prem came to them with smiley faces*

Phuak : Bright this get together concept is so cool, This really looks like a big family, Everyone is so friendly..

Bright : But All this is giving me torture vibes, I don't like it in here, I want Arwin.... Ahhhhhh.... Let's get out from here, I have no interest to stay here anymore...

* All his friends pleaded with their eyes to stay here, But bright didn't even spare a glance at them, He just wanted to see Arwin, Almost 15years of waiting, But not even a single glance of the person he waited for....His heart is no mood to even feel alive and to far from any sort of happiness, He is on the verge of screaming at someone *

*They were all going to their rooms to pack their bags, But they were interrupted on their way*

Arhith : Hlo bro's... * He stylishly extended his hands with a smrik on his face* My name his Arhith, My mother gave me birth, My friends will always tell me truth, But If you question my worth, I will show you my wrath...

Boss ; Ehhhh... What is this weird ass rhyming sentences? Who are you kid?

Arhith : I'm not a kid Mr. ,I'm Arhith from Switzerland.. Nice to meet you all...

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