Reality 😳

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*Arwin who was running to meet the person he loved, was rather welcomed with a different consequence, He was all excited to be in bright's arms, But before any of this could happen, He felt something dashed to him with a heavy impact, His body flew in the air for milli seconds of time, Before he hit the ground, His whole body felt heavy to him, He was trying to get up, But his body isn't supporting him.. *

* Everything feels so heavy, Even his eyelids closed just before Arwin watched a blurry sight of bright running towards him, While shouting his name... *

* Bright ran to Arwin, Who was laying lifeless on the road, Blood everywhere, Arwin's shirt was covered in blood, He tried to wakeup Arwin by tapping on his fragile cheeks, But there is no response... *

Bright : Arwin.. Please don't scare me like this, Please open your eyes for godsake...

* Still no response, He saw blood was dripping more from win, Bright started crying hysterically *

Bright : Arwin don't do this to me, I promise I won't disturb you from now on, Please open your eyes for once na... * He said in a muffled crying voice, While holding Arwin near to his chest*

Bright : Arwin please....... Please... I beg you.... I will give you all the chocolates that you want... Don't you dare hang up on me..... Winnie please open your eyes and look at me for once goddamit.....

Bright : Fuck you ARWINNNN!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! * His cries became so loud , He held Arwin in a way that he was afraid someone might take him, if he loses his grip on Arwin *

* The person who hit Arwin, Came to them and he helped Bright in taking Arwin to the hospital.... Bright lifted Arwin in a bridal style and took him inside the hospital, Still the blood flow was not in control, Medics rushed to them, They checked Arwin's vitals and bright already informed to Marie to reach to the hospital... Doctors didn't waste anytime and told bright, That Arwin needs to be operated immediately, Otherwise there can be a huge risk to his life... *

* Bright and Marie agreed to it, And did all the procedures, Within 15 minutes everything was ready, And they were taking Arwin to the operation theatre, Bright didn't let go of Arwin's hand, He was still crying and begging him to atleast open his eyes.... But Arwin was not responding at all... *

* The operation happened continuously for 6 hours straight, Bright and Marie were waiting outside with Tearstreaken faces, Bright held his head in hands, Raking his fingers through his hair locks, It's was all because of him, If he didn't went to meet Arwin, Then this wouldn't have happened, His is an idiot, He would do everything just to replace Arwin's place with him...*

* After few minutes, Bright was feeling all suffocated their, He can't see win like that, So he went to stand outside the hospital, After a while doctors came out of operation theatre, And they discussed Arwin's current situation with Marie, After listening to All the Doctors suggestions, Marie heart broke into pieces, she never thought this will happen to their happy and cheerful Win,She went to meet bright.. *

* But just as she saw bright... *

Marie : Br- Bright.... * she started breaking down*

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