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* After formulating a fantastic, Mind blowing, Ground breaking plan, Bright and his friends we're tired they decided to take rest in their room for a short while, So that again they can join with the family, But on their way their was Arwin's room *

* From Arwin's room the conversation between him and his brother are clearly audible to bright, So they stood outside to listen like an eagle ( Bright : Author,Eagle example is used for better eye sight not for ears🙄, Author : But I only know that example tho 🥺 , Bright : 😑 )*

* Voices from Arwin's room *

Arhith : Uncle said that waterfalls will be a very beautiful sight to see Arwin, Come na, We can enjoy alot..

Arwin : Hah.. I have seen much larger waterfalls than this, In my life, You know I travel alot right, why will I be excited to see this. I'm not interested to come.

Arhith : But whole family is going Arwin, Think about it.

Arwin : So what... Still I'm not interested..

Arhith : Arwin, please...

Arwin : No.. I will not..Now go out of my room.

* Bright, Man, prem, phuak, Boss all were upset when they heard this conversation, And they saw a dull Arhith coming out of that closed room *

* Now all the efforts of their mind blowing plan is in vain.. *

Man : Both brothers can talk anywhere na,Why especially they felt the need to close the doors🚪🤔?  * Man started thinking rigorously until, He felt a smack on his head*

Boss : 😐Here we are concerned about our plan, But this idiot is worried about closed doors 🚪🙆‍♂️*

Phuak : Bright, What shall we do now, If Arwin doesn't come, There is no use of that childish plan right?

Bright :  what do you mean by Childish 🤨 ?

Phuak : Hahah !! 😁I meant to say very Intellectual plan?

Bright : Yahh... I know it was intellectual 😌, Then see all I need is an half an hour, It doesn't matter if it was at waterfalls or at home, All of you go with the rest of the family, And enjoy the trip, I will spend that alone time with Arwin 🙈, And make him fallen in love...

Boss : If you use your talent, I hardly believe anything will happen 🥱..

* Bright glared at him, They went outside the house, There was a bus and 2 cars were arranged, All were boarding the bus *

Dev : * He is doing the head count *, Come on everyone enter into the bus... 1,2,3,...16,17...

Stella : Dev what is the weird floral shirt that you are wearing... ( stella : Akira's wife,Bright's mom)

Dev : Hey this is how youngsters behave😎, You are an old Aunty, How will you know about this style..

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