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*Both Arwin and Bright went back to their respective places from the Mall, With lots of thoughts running in two different minds, A erratic feeling in two different hearts ,And with some weird giddy feelings running through their whole bodies.... *

* While Arwin entered the shop in the evening after the whole "Incident" happened at the Mall, He somewhat looked confused and seemed  lost... *

Marie : Arwin!!!! Where were you all this time?? No one goes to mall for 5 hours Arwin....I was waiting for you...

* But she stopped her rambling when she looked at Arwin who looked like he has more problems than a Maths text book... *

Marie : Arwin!!! Are you ok?? Did anything happened??

* Arwin lifted his head and looked at her while tears streamed down his face... *

Arwin : huhuhhu!!! 😭😭...
Mar...* hiccups*.. Mari... Marie.... 😭😭😭... My Virginity.....huhuhuu!!!!! 😭

Marie : What??? Virginity.. What happened Arwin.. Tell clearly you idiot....

Arwin : I lost it..... Wahhhhhhhh... 😭😭

Marie : Whattt???  * Marie felt all the fear in the world in her heart* ...    Arwin tell me clearly what happened... Did someone did something to you, Like assualt Or manhandled you???

* Arwin shook his head in a indication that no one manhandled him,but still didn't stopped his wailing...... Marie gasped heavily at Arwin's antics... *

Marie : So you lost it willingly..😱😱 Wow Arwin I never thought you were a horny person.. Kudos to you👏👏....Then why are you crying?? Like were they too hard, Are you feeling any pain....

* Arwin then stopped crying, Realising that his friend understood it all wrong.. *

Marie : Let's go to hospital, You know Arwin it's common in first time to feel the pain, Don't worry bun.. I will share you more videos so that you can understand how to handle it....

Arwin: Stop.. Stop.. Idiot fellow, I'm talking about loosing virginity of my lips... Not body😭😭.... And how can you misunderstand me, While I already stated it very clearly.. Nobody in this world will understand me😭,No ones cares about me........ * He continued his rambling until Marie smacked his head*

Marie : Idiot.. You said you lost virginity what else should I understand.. Now stop your crying and tell me clearly what happened before I loose my mind...

Arwin: Marie.... My virgin lips are no more virgin... Huhuuuu.... All because of that bright bastard... He came into my life to steal things from me Marie...What should I do???... He.. He.. Kissed me marie, He intially said it was a cheek kiss but he took advantage of me.... My innocent lips didn't do anything....

Marie : ohhhh.. But why did you even accept a cheek kiss from him in the first place??

* This sentence rang Alarm bells in win's head, If he says what actually happened at the mall, His friend will laugh at his face and tease him for life, So he decided to not tell, And continue to play victim.... *

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