It's Time for you.. 💕

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*The morning sunlight pierced through the windows of bright's room forcing him to wakeup from his deep slumber,The light is directly striking his eyes,Making him to groan in dissatisfaction,He slugishly covered his eyes by blanket ,Once again drifting of to dreamland..*

*But life not always proceeds the way we want..In the same way he was further interuppted by a loud opening of his room's door and later he felt someone smack his head.*

Bright : What the actual Duck in the world man!!!!  *He Screamed opening his eyes.*

Stella : Neither duck nor Swan ...Get your ass out of bed !!! Do you even know what time it is??

Bright : Stella Darling why to take this much effort of waking me up to know the should have looked at watch Instead..He said sleepily..

Stella : Intelligent much!!! Wake up it's already 10:00am

*Bright went through a small shock after learning about time.*

Bright :  WHATTTT!! I have to be there for practice by 9:00 am Goddamn we have a new sponsor today..I fucked up big time..

Stella: See This what happens when you don't listen to your mom.Be thankful to me that I woke you up..

Bright : Thank you stella Darling..I owe you alot..

Stella : You sure do.. Come downstairs in 5 mins let's have breakfast

*Bright rushed to brush his teeth..And his mom went downstairs..Suddenly Bright remembered that he should inform man about him being late to parctice ,So they should start practising without him..Bright hurriedly rushed to call man and opened his MOBILE..*

Bright : WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   STELLA!!!!  IT'S STILL 7:00 IN THE MORNING!!!!  YOU ARE A TRICKSTER..... I HATE YOU...WHICH MOM BEHAVES LIKE THIS... He screamed at the top of his lungs

*Stella Downstairs is giggling by hearing her son's scream.*

Stella: Every Asian mom does that.. Now hurry up...

Bright : So much.. For calling you darling daily.. *He mutered under his breath and went to shower he is SOO DONE WITH HIS MOM*

*Downstairs his mom was preparing breakfast while his father was sitting on dining table.Their calling bell rang while they were about to eat..stella went to open the door..And they were Suprised to meet Dev  and his daughter Emma.*

Akira : HEYYYY!!!!! DEV ...... what a sudden suprise you idiot..why didn't you even inform me that you are arriving from chiangmai..I would have received you at the airport and Emma How's your college is going on??

Emma : Finally I have completed my degree Uncle...How are you and aunt stella are doing??

Stella : We are doing good baby...I'm soo happy to see you here after long time 

Emma : Yup me too!! And where is my dear brother bright ?..Do you know aunty he even stopped visiting me in college. Saying that girls in my college are not that good looking..

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