Emma's marriage ☺

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* Bright was searching for Emma ( His cousin sister) while gritting his teeth, That little pumpkin Arhith stealed his sexy moment with Arwin. He was suddenly dragged by someone into a room. *

Bright: woaaa !! Hey I have been looking for you ..

Emma : I have been looking for you to * She lowered her head . *

Bright : Okayy..what you want to talk about?

Emma : Hmmm... Bright I have a problem, And you are the only one who can solve it.
* Arwin who was searching for bright everywhere , Heard their discussion from window, And stood their silently to listen further *

Bright : Ahaaa... Tell me what is it?

Emma : I loved someone, His name is ken, He recently got a job in Australia.

Bright : great!

Emma : I mean, He is going  there within 10days , So he suggested that if we get married within these 10 days than , He can start working on my visa early, So that we can live together in Australia.

Bright : Very good!

Emma : What is very good in here.. Are you even listening to me, I need nearly 6 million bhat to get married.

Bright : Whatt! Are you crazy ! is he loving you, or the money?

Emma : Bright that's not the point here, I need money to go to Australia with him, And after going there I'm going to continue my masters, So do you think all this will come for free... I need money for this bright.

Bright : That's fine! I understand ! but 6 million bhat within 10 days, How do you think uncle Dev ( Emma's father) will bring that much amount within this 10days and get you married.. You know that his business is currently in losses right....

Emma : So what!!  What do you want me to do ! Should  I just sacrifice my dreams for my father ! He is the one who started investing in all the stupid businesses, He didn't even stopped  even when my mom died.

Bright : Emma! He is your father!!!

Emma : Oh really!! Everyone can become a father, There is nothing much to brag about it!!  But all these years what did he even do for me! We only have this villa left now.. I want him to sell this villa and give me the money that I deserve..

Bright : Emma!! Are you crazy.. This is the only house left for him and you are his only family, If he sells this villa, Then where will he stay at this age..

Emma : Bright ! Stop bringing this family drama before me, I don't care.. That's not my problem, So are you saying that I should sacrifice my love and my career for him and stay at here... No way.. I have had enough..

* Before bright could talk, Emma interrupted again. *

Emma : Look.. Bright.. He loves you as his own son , If I ask him to sell this villa he will be like, No my girl this is only memory of your mother, I won't sell it and blah... blah.. blah.., But if you ask him, He will not question you please bright, As a brother help me in this..

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